24- our boyfriend?

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I feel so awkward in this aisle of the store. I have discreetly read every box in this damn aisle and they all seem to say the same things .

1-7 days.

I can't wait that long. It will kill me. I debate on buying one of every type of test or just going to the doctor after the 7 days.

It would cost less, and I know that if I buy these tests I will use half of them before the recommended 7 days have gone by.

I shake my head and walk out of the aisle before grabbing a water bottle and leaving the store.

I sit in my car and stay silent before picking up my phone and dialling the number to the closest clinic to campus.

I make an appointment for next week and let out a deep breath when I hang up.

Everything is fine. Everything is okay.

I read a text on my phone screen and find myself looking anywhere but at the dim screen.

*are you okay?*

I slowly type back a believable message to Harry and find myself calling another contact.

"Hello?" He asks grumpily as I clear my throat.

"Let's go out. No drinking, just talking shit and two large seven eleven slushes or something." I say listening the his voice perk up instantly.

"Niall! I was wondering when you'd be back for round two. Wanna head out at nine?" He asks while someone clears their throat on his end of the line.

"Can you just ring this in for me?"A woman asks as he scoffs.

"Can't you see that I'm on a phone call? God people can be so rude." He says as I roll my eyes.

"I'll pick you up." I say before hanging up and putting the car into drive.


It isn't long until my passengers door is being pulled open and the loud voice of Louis speaks.

"So who are we talking shit about? How is our boyfriend? And are we talking shit about him?" Louis asks as I roll my eyes at his nickname for Harry. Our boyfriend, yeah right.

"We kind of are talking shit about Harry." I say as I begin to drive to the nearest seven eleven.

" what did the dumbass do this time?" He asks as I focus on the road.

"He got in a fight with Zayn, punched me, then he spent the night in my dorm and we decided to move in together. Then we had, well, you know And he didn't pull out." I say as Louis stays silent for a second clearly trying to process the information I just dumped on him.

"Who's Zayn?" Louis asks as I park in the lot of seven eleven and unbuckle myself.

"Zayn is Harry's ex-best-friend who got sent to jail last year for raping Harry's girlfriend and getting her pregnant." I say before getting out of the vehicle with Louis following shortly behind.

"What the fuck type of high school did you go to?" He asks laughing as I roll my eyes.

"Why is Zayn here?" He asks as I shrug.

"Something about needing to move out of the country. I don't think he needed to but America is easier on employing convicts." I say as I grab the handle to the door of seven eleven and walk in.

"So a rapist and Harry fought in your room, then Harry abused you-"

"He didn't abuse me, he meant to hit Zayn and missed." I say trying to clear the air before Louis can tarnish it.

"Okay, then he hit you, and then slept over, then in the morning you decided to move in together, you guys fucked and he got you pregnant." He says as I grab a large slush cup.

"Well I wont know if I'm pregnant until seven days from now." I say correcting the pregnancy fable.

"Well you're lucky." He says softly as he fills his cup with a mixture of all seven flavours of slush.

"Why?" I ask as I put a lid on my cup and turn towards the counter to pay.

I pay for both of the slushes and begin to walk back to the vehicle while Louis puts his lid on and grabs himself a straw from the cashier.

"Because you lucked out. You get his love, you get to move in with him and you get to have his cute babies." He says as I get into the drivers side and Louis sits in the passengers seat.

"All I get is sex." He says sipping his straw. I stop drinking my frozen beverage and looks over to the brunette who now stirs his drink to mix all of his flavours.

"You two are still having sex?" I ask as Louis slowly nods.

"He told me that you knew."

No. No I did not.

Word count : 817

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