38- Re light the spark

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"He what?!" Tara exclaims holding my ring finger in her hands as I look around the crowded star bucks.

"Holy shit it's beautiful." She says as I smile down in the ring, it really is beautiful.

"I want you to be my person." I say as she looks up at me confused. I guess I could have given her more of a description.

"Like a bride has her maid of honour. I want you to be that. " I say watching her smile widen.

"Of course I will be! I'm so honoured that you chose me!" She says as I smile.

Of course I would pick Tara. She's my closest friend. Despite not speaking to her for two months...

Who else would I pick? Nobody. Harry and I don't have many friends. Our wedding may be small.

Shaking the thoughts from my head I look at Tara rolling the stroller beside us back and forth.

"Where's Liam these days?" I ask watching her smile fade.

"We broke up two weeks ago. I'm sure Liam told Harry because he has no other friends." She says sipping her coffee as I place my hand over hers.

"Was there a reason?" I ask hoping that there's nothing too serious going on.

"He's just too busy for rose and I." She says as I look over at my best friends child in the stroller next to us.

"He's always working and if he's not working he's out doing god knows what." She says as I nod. That doesn't seem like too much of a problem.

Then again I have the worlds most dysfunctional relationship and if I were in  Tara's position I would be going crazy wondering where Harry was. But I don't need to tell her that.

"Maybe you guys just need to relight your spark" I suggest wiggling plastic keys on a ring in front of rose's face.

"I'm too busy with work and rose. Maybe Liam and I just aren't meant to be." She says staring down at her drink with a frown on her lips.

"Harry and I can baby sit tonight. We're going to need the practice. you and Liam
Go out and have some fun. You guys just got knocked off of balance." I say watching Tara run her hand through her hair.

"I don't know. Rose barely sleeps through the night. Plus I doubt Harry would want a child around, he's told me repeatedly that he's never going to have one." She says shrugging as I sip my drink.

"Well harry doesn't get to make that decision and We just sat on a six hour flight, we'll be fine with rose through the night." I say as
Tara furrows her eyebrows.

"Maybe he'll have kids. I mean, he never wanted to get married, look at you two now." She says as I look down at the ring.

"We wouldn't be getting married if we weren't about to have a baby." I say hearing Tara gasp loudly.

"You're pregnant?!" She asks far too loudly.

"Yes." I laugh and nod as she jumps up and down in her seat.

"Oh my gosh, I hope you have a boy so our babies can look so cute together." She says as I smile.

I share that hope.


I take my shoes off as I reach Harry's room where he lays in the large bed scrolling through his phone.

"How was it?" Harry asks as I crawl into bed next to him.

"It went good. We're baby sitting tonight though." I say as Harry sits up quickly.

"What? No we aren't." He defends as I roll my eyes. He's going to have to get used to a baby being around. He's lucky that this is only for one night.

Well, until we have our own.

"I already told Tara we would do it. She's going out with Liam tonight and I don't want her worrying about some stranger baby sitting when she already knows us. " I say watching Harry shake his head.

"I'm going out." He says sitting up as I scoff.

"You aren't serious." I state wanting- no, needing him to stay.

"I don't even want my own child, what makes you think that I want Tara's?" Harry asks throwing a shirt over his head.

"Drop me off at my mothers and don't come around me for the rest of this trip." I say standing up and grabbing my shoes.

"Stop being dramatic, you can stay here." He says sternly as I glare towards Harry's annoyed expression.

"No, you can stay here tonight, baby sit a child and start taking some goddamn responsibility." I say watching Harry chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." Harry says pushing his bedroom door open.

"If you walk out that door, I wont marry you." I say as Harry stops walking.

He lets the bedroom door close in front of his face and his silence begins to scare me.

"Give me the ring." He says without Turing around or looking at me.


"If you don't want to marry me you're going to give me that ring." Harry says turning around and walking up to me slowly.

"I don't want to." I say quietly as he stands in front of me. His hand is extended in front of me and I slowly grab it. I place my forehead on his chest and I'm looking down at our feet.

"Please just let me win this time." I whisper listening to his heart beat.

"I'm not ready for this Niall." He says as I shake my head.

"Me neither."


Word count : 1029

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