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A bride is getting ready beauticians are making her ready ..her mother and sister comes
Mother-ragini u are looking like an angel
Girl-sanskar jiju will go mad today
Ragini blush
Sumi-okay rago u sit here Swara come with me
By hearing Ragini become tensed or you can say feared
Ragini -maa please leave Swara with me ..after when we can spend time together
As Sumi goes
Ragini -i want to ask u something will u agree
Swara-offcourse rago di
Ragini -don't come down
Swara-(shockingly and teary eyes )what happen did di I do anything wrong please forgive me
Ragini cup her face and wipes her tears
Ragini -(thinks)It's me who did wrong by your name (to her) It's not like that ..I can't control myself seeing you we are separating from today na ...please Swara.
Even though Swara is not satisfied but agreed for Ragini. ..later Sumi dida dadi comes to take Ragini before reaching down ...Ragini cover her face
Sumi-why this much long veil
Dadi -misthi let her do what she wants
Ragini is made to sit next to sanskar. .Sanskar is feeling something weird ...when shekher keeps Ragini's paam on sanskar hands he feels uncomfortable. ..
Sanskar and Ragini gets up to take rounds
Sanskar -(in mind) God I am feeling strange why God even though marrying with my will..please help me
Soon breeze started to blow viel Ragini is putting is fly down ...Sanskar after relaxing see towards his bride he shocks
Sanskar -swaraaa what the hell are you doing in Ragini's place
All are shocked
Sujata -what are u saying son
Sanskar -why are you asking me ask this Swara
Ragini and dadi is standing quietly
Shekher -what's wrong with u ..Swara he is Ragini not Swara. ..Swara is my younger daughters name
Rp-yes sanskar. .with her only we fixed your marriage
Sanskar -no dad something is wrong somewhere. when you all fixed our meeting she said her name is swara office and everywhere she came with Ragini
Sumi -Ragini sometimes send lunch to sanskar office by Swara by saying she some work
Rp-what the hell is going on ...u all made fun of my son marriage
Dp-rp be calm it's not big issue
Rp-it is bhaiya. .they are playing with my son emotions. .I won't tolerate it
Sujata -Sumi Ji where is your other daughter
Shekher -swaraaaaa
By hearing shout Swara comes down
Sanskar -she is Ragini. ..her dadi also said
Shekher -maa
Dadi looks down
Sumi comes towards Swara but before her Sanskar comes to her
Sanskar -why you did it to me
Swara -what I have done to u...why you are blaming me
Sanskar -what I am blaming u ....u always msg me call me care for me daily bring launch ..visit temple disc every where with me
Swara-are u crazy ...I do visited with you but with along with di because she told she feels shy to go with u before marriage and bringing launch It was also send by di she said. .she is busy so on...and I never talked to u much face to face nor through phone
Sanskar -then why are you hiding know when u are innocent
Ragini -because I told her....I was afraid like rajat u also leave me because I am traditional
Sanskar -angrily shout.for that you play with emotions u mislead me...and u Mrs parvati gadodiya u are mature still ....
Dadi-leave all this u can complain later complete marriage
Sanskar -do u really think I will marry your cheater grand daughter
All where shocked. ..

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