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As swasan goes uttra smiles some one place hand on her shoulder uttra with out turning
Uttra-I am okay ansh
Ansh-jaana why you did it
Uttra-ansh bhai don't have any spark that he can win Bhabhi's love he is broken to see Bhabhi scare avoidance but know he got to know Bhabhi believe him trust him and somewhere she has soft corner too for him ...Bhabhi get to know for her respect bhaiya can destroy anyone
Ansh -for this you became villan...what if he started hating you
Uttra-ansh he is angry with me but he can hate me
Ansh-jaana I love you
Uttra -love you too. ..what jaana ha if my brother hear it na then u are gone
Ansh-but jaana I am habitual of it
Uttra-ansh practice ...okay u go know  radhu must be worried for me
Other side
Swara- please don't tell it in clg about us
Sanskar -u too kavya
Sanskar -i am very hungry let's eat
Swara gets up to take her bag but she hit with someone
Swara -can't you see and walk
Man-sorry man because of luggage it happened
Swara-its okay
Sahil-swara by the way in city college there very handsome boys are there
Sanskar -i don't knew u where behind boys (jealous )
Sahil pull his cheeks
Sahil-awww I don't know u are so jealous. ...if I am girl I surely snatched u
Sanskar -stay away ur intension are not good
Both laugh
Man-city college Mumbai
Man-i am also going there mba 1st yr
Swara-we are also in same class
Sahil introduce them
Man-hi I am nikhil
Nikhil turned to place his bag to his seat but again he loss balance and falls on  uttra ...he is holding her waist and uttra is holding his shirt both are looking at eachother 2 person are seeing them one with jealous other with anger
Sanskar made them stand and stand between them
Nikhil -are you fine
Nikhil see some cut in her hand he holds her hand
Nikhil -it must be paining
...I will apply cream
Uttra-Its okay
Nikhil -no its not okay
He is still holding her hand ..Sanskar removes nikhil hand and he takes out medicine and apply on her hand and comes back to his seat and sit ...Nikhil also sit
Dinner time
Sahil- sanskar your rajma Chawal is awesome and Swara your dal baati is mind blowing
Sanskar -and your sandwich are also taste
Nikhil -guys have some chicken role
Sahil-give it man
Nikhil -u both
Swara-i am vegetarian
Sanskar -me to
Radhika -i don't eat heavy food in knight
Nikhil-what about u uttra
Uttra-I love to
Sanskar Swara is seeing her shockingly she is eating chicken and sharing it with nikhil
Sanskar -one is stick to my wife and other with my sister(thinks )

At Mumbai railway station
Uttra going outside but suddenly someone pull her
Ansh-what was that ha u were stick to that nikhil
Uttra-what are u saying
Ansh-now u dont understand my saying also .... what's the matter you started liking that nikhil and I become bone of your neck
Uttra- shut up get loss u pig
Uttra push him but he holds her in anger uttra kick his private part and goes
Clg bus has came to pick them and it is almost evening
Ansh-jaana I know i spoke stupidity but don't kick there it will be difficult in planning kids
Uttra- shut up. ..where is this kavya
Ansh-she is purchasing books ...leave her but seriously your bhaiya Bhabhi came for each other or to know about sahil
Uttra-I have to do something u get in fast
After sometimes
Swara -where is the bus
Sanskar -they said bus while be waiting for us
Man-shaab that was gone a girl said to the conductor all came
Sanskar -uttra ...there are any taxi something
Man-that college is in lonely place so there is no vehicle go at this time
Sanskar call uttra
Sanskar -u know what yesterday I thought it's your childishness but no u are pathetic. ..cut the call
Swara-know what we will do
Man-u can take my cycle
Sanskar -but u
Man-dont worry my house is at walkable distance and cycle I work as gardener in ur clg
Man goes
Sanskar -madam hi again I am sanskar u
Sanskar -if you don't mind can drop u
Swara-how can I trust you
Sanskar -u can we have some times
Swara-okay but don't try to take advantage of me I am brown belt
Sanskar -i am innocent don't make me afraid
Swara-hmmm good boy
Swara sit in front and Sanskar started riding cool breeze is touching there body
Sanskar -so Swara are you single
Sanskar -so that I can mingle with u
Swara-u are forgetting I am a brown belt
They both talk about each other after while they see idli seller. .in cold environment hot idli but seller has only one plate left .he serve it ..because of hotness Swara hand burn so sanskar take a bit and blow air and lovingly feed each other seller give them tea both enjoyed idli and tea ....begin the journey know Sanskar is tiered both see ola cab ..when they asked driver told in end moment there customers cancel so swasan goes with him

Swara get drunk ....Sanskar met with someone which jealous Swara
.friends please respond to the story by seeing ur response I am loosing interest in writing

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