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Swasan room
Sanskar is taking some papers ...some falls down he bend down to take papers at that tym Swara comes out wearing bathrobe and see there is no one in the room her clothes is placed on couch she remove the rob ...she fully naked ..there is two dress she is confused what to wear...Sanskar get up by seeing her like that his manly feeling is reaching to peek. .Sanskar slowly comes to her
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Swara someone she fearingly turn sanskar is standing stairring her ....because of his intense look she blush ...suddenly she remember how is she standing ...she hurriedly takes towel to cover herself but sanskar stops her by holding her hand Swara looks into his eyes both share a eyelock sanskar comes very close to her and cares her cheeks and rub his thumb on her lips ...Swara is loosing herself in his eyes ...he place his lips on her and kissing her softly then after 5 mints he break the kiss ..he holds Swara make her lie on bed he is starting her body by this unknowingly Swara blush ..Sanskar sit on his both knees and place his lips on her this time he kiss wildly after 10mints he stops his desire is increasing by seeing her up and down going chest .....he press her both nipples
Swara moans at that time Ragini came outside but stops hearing moans .....she goes in anger ..inside sanskar intimate with her
After 1hr Swara lying covering herself with bedsheet. .Ragini comes with juice
Swara-di you
Ragini -yeah u have enjoyed a lot u must be tired have this juice
Swara drink it
Swara-di I am feeling uneasy
Ragini -yes because I added poison in it ...what you thought you enjoy with my love and I leave u nooo
Sanskar comes to them
Sanskar -what you did
Ragini -she has to die and u enjoyed it come we will marry and live happily
Sanskar -u are right let's go
Someone jerk her .
Ragini -why are you shouting. ..and why are you in towel
Swara -its a dream .thank God
Ragini -what are you doing murmuring ...have this juice. .I didn't eat anything from yesterday night
Swara remember her dream and horribly look at juice
Swara-actually I am not hungry
Ragini -after yesterday night I mean you both together
Voice -leave about us .look your love bits are visible on your back
Ragini -sanskar you
Sanskar -its my room. .and my don't need ur sympathy kindly leave
Sanskar -swaraaa
Swara scared Ragini goes by giving a look to sanskar
Sanskar holds Swara's shoulder angrily
Sanskar -didn't I told you stay away from her
Swara-she is my di
Sanskar -u dont understand the language
He pulls swara's hair bring her near to his face and place his lips on her her biting her lips and tears are flowing from her eyes. ..he break the kiss ..Swara is full of tears
Sanskar -sw..
Before completing someone turned him nd give tight slap
Sanskar -mom
Sujata -leave
Sanskar -mom listen
Sujata-i said leave (roared)
Sanskar goes sujata looks towards Swara who is crying miserably sujata hugs Swara cries sujata rub her back after sometimes she calm.
Sujata-beta I am sorry beta for my sons act
Swara- its okay
Sujata-its not okay ...beta i know in all this u have no fault and u got punishment. ...beta i promise u no one will force u for anything. .I will be always therefore u as ur friend mother and mentor ...after 6 months if you feel this marriage is not good. ..I will make u free
Swara hugs her
Swara-thank u mumma
Sujata -come i will make u ready

I will make u free Swara hugs her Swara-thank u mumma Sujata -come i will make u ready

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Sujata -let me have a look...beautiful my daughter is looking ausome
And put black behind her ear
Sujata-no evil eyes should fall on daughter
Swara-mumma but I heard in muhdikhai bride has to wear heavy saare and jewellery
Sujata -and I also heard my elder daughter doesn't feel comfortable it such clothes this not the dress up are going to wear
Swara-ohhh...and mumma I like's so simple and beautiful
Sujata-my cutie
Swara feel blessed to have her as mil
Both hugs sujata kissed her forehead
Sujata-u sit here i will send uttra with snacks
Swara-okay mumma
Outside mm
Ram and uttra is eating golgappa
Ram-wao it's so yummy like your mummy
Vendor -have some shame ..Sir u talking in front of your daughter
Uttra-let it be bhaiya give more spicy
Ram-uttra it's cheating I have won stampo it's my choice I want sweet ones
Uttra-but I have won in hide and seek
By hearing there talk vendor is seeing them shockingly
Sanskar is coming out in bad mode then he listen his dad and sister voice seeing them his mode changed
Sanskar -don't you both have any shame ...
Ram cover uttra's ears
Ram-no son I was born shameless u know I even born naked ..
Remove his hands
Ram-come uttra we will go ....bhai he will pay the bill
Sanskar and vendor is shockingly standing after sometimes he goes
In kitchen
Sujata-jiji I have arranged everything
Ap-in sometimes every one start coming. .I am going to room I have to look best I am Mrs dp ..u also get ready
Sujata-okay jiji
Ap goes sujata is doing some work at that time sanskar comes by seeing him sujata get angry
Sanskar-mom I am sorry
Sujata-what sorry sanskar. ...u know u have put question mark on my upbringing. .did I thought u to force a girl. ..Sanskar she is your wife that doesn't mean she is your slave...u like when someone forcefully kiss your sister  ...u have to make her comfortable u have build trust your sister said show your love don't force it ...u have to her friend first ...and about Ragini she is first swara's culprit
Sanskar hugs her mom and goes
In swasan room
Swara is sitting when pari comes and give chocolate box and goes then uttra comes with

and about Ragini she is first swara's culprit Sanskar hugs her mom and goesIn swasan room Swara is sitting when pari comes and give chocolate box and goes then uttra comes with

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Uttra gives it too Swara and goes
Swara-uttra listen....hmmm gone
Then ram comes
Ram-this for u

Ram-byeSwara-what happen to allSanskar -i am sorry swara

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Swara-what happen to all
Sanskar -i am sorry swara

SWARA scared by remembering incident Sanskar sit on his both knees and hold his ears Sanskar -i am sorry for everything Swara i did it you I can't erase it please forgive me your not toy I have played with your emotions

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SWARA scared by remembering incident
Sanskar sit on his both knees and hold his ears
Sanskar -i am sorry for everything Swara i did it you I can't erase it please forgive me your not toy I have played with your emotions. Forced myself on u ..I promise I will never cross my limit please forgive me
Swara-u will not kiss like morning promise  (innocently)
Sanskar -promise. ..pinky promise
Swara smiles
Sanskar -swara everything is messed up so can we start from starting
Sanskar -let's become stranger then friends
Swara-okay ...let's eat the cake I control more
Sanskar pinch her nose
Sanskar -sure

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