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Swara-how will we do that by staying together
Sujata-i have an idea
Sanskar -what mom
Sujata -you both join college in Mumbai clg
Sanskar -what about business
Sujata-sanskar if you losses u can rebuilt it but relationship is difficult ..don't your dad will look after it
Sanskar -but mom
Sujata -let that old man do some work. ..and I am going to mall for bringing beautiful dress for Swara muhdikhai
At that tym sanskar received a call and after listening it Sanskar looks tensed
Sujata -what happens
sanskar -mom it's call from police station
Suswara panics
Sujata -what happen Sanskar
Sanskar -dad and uttra is in jail
Sujata-angrily what they done
Sanskar -maa they found making problem outside women hostel ..
Sujata-today I will break there bones.
(I don't want to drag part of muhdikhai and cooking ritual and it's from ram family comes to railway station)
Sujata -sanskar Swara after u enter the train u both are strangers okay
Both -nodes
Sujata -and Sanskar dare u force my child. .her one complaint and you are dead...swara i now u are mature and understanding girl no need tell u anything
Sanskar -mom we both ..we three are strangers ....otherwise I have only time to listen uttra's complaints only
Uttra-don't fly so high ..and it's challenge u yourself will shout if am ur real sister
Sanskar-in ur dreams
Uttra-let's see
Ram-i miss you partner .
Uttra-partner I going to return soon..I will not die
Uttra-hey easy I am not gone leave u soon...partner don't worry I am only one call distance from u
After sometimes they bid bye
Inside train
Boy-excuse me
Boy-its my seat
Girl-i am sorry
Boy-hi by the way I am sahil Arora
Girl-swara gadodiya
Sahil-journey will be interesting
Swara-excuse me
Sahil-dont get me wrong actually it's off season na so there are no passenger
Voice -so we can gossip and the way I am Sanskar maheshwari and u
Sahil-sahil Arora
Sanskar -and u
Swara-i don't talk stranger
Sanskar -(thinks)when he asked her name she on spot she told him in my time i don't talk stranger ..he is her aunties son na...pout
Swara hide her laughter sahil pull his cheeks
Sahil-awww how cute ....her name is swara .............. (to sanskar ) Hitler
Swara-i heard that
Both sit quietly after sometimes train started Sanskar is worried for uttra and jealous by sahil because swahil is continuously talking. ...Swara sense his worry she sign throw her to look at particular direction where uttra is sleeping in sitting position placing her head on a girl shoulder and hugging her waist ...and that girl having problem in reading her book
Sanskar -this girl never change
Sanskar goes towards her and going to hold her but other Girl who is sitting with uttra
Girl-help help somebody
Passengers -what happen beta why are you shouting
Girl-this man is trying to kidnap my friend
Sanskar -no u are getting me wrong u reading book na she is holding u so tightly na I was freeing her
Girl-just shut up okay I now your type of boys ...who are you are you my bf or relative
Sanskar -listen ..
Passenger -because of this kind of boys girls are not safe
Passenger-i have seen him first he is after that girl know this girl
Swara tried to wake uttra because situation is going out of hand ..uttra wakes up
Uttra -what's happening. .
Kavya why are you angry ..
Kavya-this cheapo is trying to kidnap you uttra and now saying I am misunderstanding him
Uttra-what ..omg don't u have shame .don't you have maa sister in your house
Swara -uttra it's not the time to play
Uttra-what are u saying
Pessanger -let's take him railway Police he is characterless
Swara-enough is enough he is not characterless he is telling u all ..and miss kavya if he really want to kidnap her then he did it when all were sleeping not when all were awake
Passenger-look how cheap she is taking side of a stranger
Swara-he is not stranger he is my husband
Passengers -look it's the business of both hubby and wife
P-such cheap girl or she is
Sanskar -stop it not word against my wife she is pure and good as ganga I won't hear word against her she is my pride ..if anyone dare to say a word against her I kill u
All goes swasan looking at eachother lovingly which was break by sahil ..
Sahil -u both are husband and wife. .
Sanskar -actually. ...
Sanskar tell everything accept uttra is
his sister
Sahil-u both are in indra gandhi college Mumbai
Sahil -guess what I am also in same clg 1st yr mba
Swasan-what we two
Kavya-me 3
Swara is looking angrily towards her Sanskar press her hand
Kavya-i am sorry
Sanskar -its okay if I am in ur place I also react the same

After sometimes
Swasan is standing on gate when uttra came to wash her hands but sanskar turn her and gives tight slap
Sanskar -i never thought u are so cheap for bet u fall so low chiiiii. .I didn't slap u for me I slap u ...because when they insulting your Bhabhi then also u kept quite
Sanskar takes Swara with him

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