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Sanskar is impatiently waiting for Swara. .after 10mints Swara came
Sanskar seeing her losses his balance he slip slightly

Swara straightly towards sanskar holding white rose but she cross him and give her flower to nikhilSwara-thank u for being my partner

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Swara straightly towards sanskar holding white rose but she cross him and give her flower to nikhil
Swara-thank u for being my partner ..goes with him
Sanskar is burning in jealous
Sanskar -nikhil bloody pimple no pickle holding my wife waist  (pouts )
From no where sahil comes and pull his cheeks
Sahil-awww sanskar
Sanskar -my cheeks the way who is your date
Sahil-i got no one so I asked kavya
Sanskar -ohh and rajat and ansh
Sahil-dont know about rajat but ansh is with uttra looks there she is
Sanskar -ehhh I should care for my wife or sister both are super hot
Sahil-there she is

by the way who is your date Sahil-i got no one so I asked kavyaSanskar -ohh and rajat and anshSahil-dont know about rajat but ansh is with uttra looks there she is Sanskar -ehhh I should care for my wife or sister both are super hotSahil-there she...

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Sahil- beautiful
Sanskar angrily looks at him
Sahil-what sanskar u are here for Swara or uttra .....
Sanskar -sahil Swara is my wife ....goes
Sahil-did he fallen for uttra ...I have to alert Swara 
On bar counter
Uttra-yeah the way he is ansh
Swara-i know uttu ..sorry that day I forget to thank you
Uttra-by the way shona u are looking stunning
Swara-thanks and u too ....
They gossip for sometime but Swara is searching for sanskar 
Ansh-swara he is there
Swara blush to see  sanskar intense look
Uttra -shona go and dance with nikhil
Uttra -go na
Swara and nikhil is dancing closely sanskar is burning in jealous ...sahil did the work of fire as sahil has pulled Swara towards him
Swara-what are u doing sahil
Sahil-sorry yrr but your husband intentions are not good
Swara-what happen
Sahil-he is concerned on other Girl
Swara-what who that shagun
Before he says further sanskar pull her towards him
Sanskar -only I have the right to hold my girl
Swara-sanskar they are my friends only
Sanskar -jaan It's not because I didn't trust you .it's because I don't want to share my moon
Sanskar place his finger on her lips
Sanskar -i don't know if i would able to become best husband. ...I will be ur best friend ...Swara i will be there for you even after u decide not to continue this marriage
Swara-sanskar maheshwari u said u will win my heart ...go to hell
Swara angrily goes
Sanskar -from movie I learn this dialogue she become angry mommy help me now
Other side
Rajat -can I have the honour to dance with most beautiful girl
Uttra -no way it takes lot of effort make me tired
Uttra-go man
Uttra-where this ansh died
Uttra looks for ansh ...he was busy in gossiping And dancing with kavita
Uttra-idiot yesterday he cried like frog to spend time with me ....she finds rajat and agreed to dance with him..they dance on song tere sang yaara. ..4person were seeing them rest were enjoying
Sanskar with anger ,Swara worried for rajat ,sahil with confusion with sanskar behaviour, ansh with extreme jealous
Before they proceed towards them rajat hugs uttra
Rajat-my dream come true to dance with angel
Uttra-(thinks )mine to jump with monkey. ....hmmm in whole dance he is giving look to my chashni ..
Rajat-would you like a drink
Uttra-sorry I don't drink
Rajat-hey I am saying about juice
As rajat goes sanskar comes to her take her to corner
Sanskar -uttra don't he has any work rather roaming around u ...and u are enjoying Swara is angry with me. .
Uttra-come down sanskar and about rajat he is only attracted towards me ..he has feelings for Radhika
Sanskar -still ...his sister is not showing interest on me
Uttra-firstly tell what happen 
Sanskar tell everything
Uttra-offo bhaiya ..why you always say that u let her go. ...tell her about ur love. her how important she is for you. ..tell her what u can do for u
Sanskar-whom u love Uttra
Uttra -what bhai
Sanskar -don't hide uttu ...this much u tell only after experiencing love only and I can see in ur eyes too
Uttra-when u won Bhabhi's heart then I will tell ...and u know sahil think u are cheating Swara Bhabhi with me
Sanskar -really stupid
Uttra-know go and tell ur lady how much you love her
Sanskar -but if she don't love u
Uttra-I have forgetted u are a dhakkan

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