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In mm
All were discussing something Sanskar get call from hospital by hearing it Sanskar phone falls from his hand Swara comes near him and shake him
Swara-what happen whose call it was
Ansh take the phone and ask about the matter hearing the matter tears formed in his eyes
Sujata-what happen
Sanskar -some one break uttra's oxygen tub and know she is missing
All shocks
Ram- what are you waiting for sanskar ...go inquire in hospital I will call Police
Sujata-not needed
Ram-are u out of your mind our daughter is in danger
Sujata-so....swasan ansh go and pack your bags in morning flight you three are going back
Swara-but mom our uttra
Sujata-if destiny has decided then what can we do
Ram-how can u Sujata
Sujata -don't waste time all go and get ready
Sanskar -mom i will not go by leaving my sister
Sujata -what do u think it's easy where will you search her do u know who attacked her na's all answer were in shimla
Ram-if they kill
Words were not coming from his mouth
Sujata -if they have to do...they done it long before
Swara-maa I want to stay can we go in train as before
Sujata -hmmm
Next day
In train
3 of them sitting in three corner remembering there past
Flashback start
Swara -sanskar He tried to touch me...what if he
Sanskar -nothing would have happened...and everything happens for good because of it you got brother like ansh
Swara-sanskar I must say you are the no. 1 jealous man on earth
Sanskar -so what look how many handsome man is behind u
Swara-do u think I will fall in for them
Sanskar -i don't about u but they look if I can fall in love with little kitten then y can't they
Swara-ohhh. .
Then she realised what he said ...
Swara-u monkey
Swara take broom stick and run behind him
Swara-i am a kitten
While running he dash with a girl
Sanskar -i am extremely sorry miss
Sanskar -shagun ..Sanskar maheshwari here
While talking he see Swara who is burning in jealous
Sanskar -shagun u are very beautiful can u give me honour to take till ur room
Shagun -sure
Sanskar -some one is burning
..leave it...let's go
Swara-sanskar maheshwari let me tell you what jealous is get ready man
In evening
It's fresher party
Seniors where tieing a band on wrist of students they were of blue red green purple 
Sanskar -where Swara gone....this chipku shagun  I have made her my partner to make her jealous

swasan -unexpected marriage (Completed )Where stories live. Discover now