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Sanskar reached at entrance and pull out Swara from the car .....mean while all comes swasan some how shock to see raglak wedded
Uttra-bhai after u left her dad and dadi created big scene for saving the reputation of adyaksh of marwadi samaj bade papa made them married
Swaragini looking at eachother with as Swara moving towards her Sanskar stops her by holding her hand. ..Ragini angrily looks at sanskar
Sanskar -what Bhabhi ji's bad to look after your sister's husband
Laksh is fuming in anger ...and someone is seeing sanskar with extreme anger
Ap and sujata brought arti thaal and did swasan and raglak aarti and they came inside Swara got slite cut due to door
Ragini -Swara
Coming towards Swara but sanskar takes her hand tie his handkerchief
Sanskar -don't worry Bhabhi ji her husband is there for her
Swara is scared know she just want to hide behind her di now
Swara and Ragini where taken to there room
Laksh came all drunk by seeing Ragini his anger reach to peak ....he came towards her and holds her hairs and throw her on floor.
Ragini -laksh Ji
Laksh -ssshhh It always happen with me he always got best ...from childhood all love him used to beat me when top in class always say why can't you become better then him. ..from childhood I want a loving sister which he got supporting parents look today I got rejected piece by sanskar
In swasan room
Sanskar enter but didn't find Swara he looks in washroom balcony everywhere in the room
Sanskar -where she gone ...may be in Ragini's room
As he moving outside he hear some snobs from cupboard. ..he opens it shock to see Swara sitting there tears are flowing from her eyes and she is extremely feared. .by seeing his lady love is feared of him break his heart in several pieces
Sanskar -come out
Swara nodes in no. Sanskar feel hurt but didn't show..
Sanskar -i said come out (loudly )
Swara comes out she is shivering in fear ...Sanskar make her sit...
Sanskar -i will not anything to u ..u have complete freedom but stay away from Ragini. .now be a good girl sleep on bed I am coming
Sanskar comes out stand in balcony and breaks down ..someone put hand on his shoulder sanskar turn and see uttra
Sanskar -uttu what are you doing here at this time it's very late
Uttra hand over a cup of coffee to sanskar. ..he smiles ..uttra make him sit and next to him
Uttra-what happen
Sanskar -nothing uttu
Uttra-before Bro and sis we are friends. .come on tell me
Sanskar keep the cup aside and cries by hugging her
Sanskar -she is fearing from me uttra ....I love her but she is scared from my existence near her
Uttra rub his back make him calm
Uttra-bhai. ..what you accept from her she will hug u and kiss u ....
Sanskar -we know each other na ..then also
Uttra-don't talk like stupids she know u as her sisters would be. ..she doesn't know u ...u have to make her comfortable show your love...I repeat showing love and imposing love is too different things...and one more thing as Ragini and her dadi is your culprits same you are her culprit
Sanskar is looking shockingly towards uttra
Uttra-bhai don't give that look ...u forcefully married her what's her mistake in all this ....u have to be her friend then lover
Sanskar -(determined )u are right ..I will make her happy
Then he is sadly sitting. .uttra to cheer him up
Uttra-if she is fearing nothing wrong in it
Sanskar -what you mean
Uttra-first of all u are so eager to marry that's why to save time you hold her ur arm and after marriage u came home in jet speed and more over today is your first night I thought tomorrow morning u come out with my nephews
Sanskar -uttra I will not leave u (he twist her ears)
Uttra -bhai it's paining. ..sorry
Sanskar -that's better
Uttra-bhai love is beautiful and sweet but over sweetness become poison
Sanskar -my choti become love guru
Sanutt get up to go but stops seeing sujata with coffee cup
Sujata-i thought me and Sanskar will gossip but u did it uttu (pouts)
Trio laugh uttra laugh more.
Sujata-why are you laughing
Sanskar -i think her screw fallen down
Uttra -mom bhai look back
Both look back their ram is standing with pout holding 2 cup of coffee
Ram-i will not talk to you. ..... it's fathers right to advice son on topic of love and wife
Sujata -he is not only your son ..don't cry like duck ..u old man
Ram-u old lady your husband old lady ur son old lady ur daughter old lady
Sujata -illiterate fellow
Ram-i have done mba
Sujata -with 3rd division
Ram-so what with that 3rd division I married you made 2 children
Sujata -leave it you looser I have to take initiative you where always shies
Sanskar while covering uttra's ears
Sanskar -mom dad u are talking in front of your children
Ram-come suji we will continue our fight in our room while drinking coffee u know I added chocolate powder too
Sujata -really let's go
They both goes
Sanskar -uttra are they really our parents
Uttra-let's go it's late
Sanskar -good night
Uttra -good night
Swara is peacefully sleeping sanskar lie next to her and thinking about the day suddenly he got tight slap. .he returned and see Swara's hand on his face and her legs on his waist. ..
Sanskar -sleeping Bruce Lee
Swara put her hand on his neck and tightly bring him near her
Sanskar -swara i will die without breath ur son is dieing
Swara leave his neck sanskar feel relaxed but next moment fell wait on his body he looks Swara sleeping on him ..with so much difficulties sanskar push Swara in return Swara kick him he falls down
Sanskar -ouch ...I myself given my life to her
He takes pillow and sleep on couch
Next morning
Swara wakes up and see bed is messed up Swara gets up and open washroom door and gets in and remove her dupatta move towards shower but shocked to see sanskar in boxer
Swara turn to go but slip before she falls Sanskar holds her and water is flowing from them Swara dress become wet sanskar make her stand ..both looking at eachother sanskar put his hand on her waist pull her near him
Sanskar -your clothes are wet take a bath..I go ...
Swara feel relief but shocks to see sanskar coming close to her she moves backwards her back hits the wall sanskar comes close to her Swara is feeling something something his hotel breath is making her nervous sanskar comes close to her ear
Sanskar -next time look before throwing dupatta. .
Kiss her cheeks and run away

Guys are you all not liking my story next update will be after 30 comments
Next part
Angry volcano of sm..ap dp some more cheap thinking .....swasan romance ...
Swara-sanskar are you Virgin

Swautt masti
Sanrag tashan

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