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Sahil-what are you scanning
Sanskar -must be searching my sister (murmuring )
Nikhil -that idiot girl who spoiled my dress
Swara-she has gone out...leave come have something u
Nikhil -okay. ...
Nikhil sit next to ansh and talking with swara ...Swara is enjoying the company of rajat sahil nikhil ...Sanskar is burning in jealous
Uttra -don't you think Bro u are over reacting
Sanskar -look she is talking to all freely except me
Sanskar -uttu I want to kill them
Uttra- easy okay. one thing you go and talk with kavita di .
One side
Swara-now you are okay
Nikhil-yeah thanks Swara for all of yours support
Swara-friends don't say thanks
Rajat-just chill man

Other side
Sanskar ansh kavita simaran is gossiping

And kavya is full concentration on food....uttra looks at her plate which is nil ...she gets up goes ..
In kavttra room
Uttra is reminding her memory where she is doing lots of masti with ram how they serve each other how they prank on sanskar and sujata. ..she smiles and tears are flowing from her eyes
She calls
Both talk with each other and cry both are missing each other badly
Uttra-partner tell mom na I will not any masti call me back
Ram-partner don't cry I am also not liking without u..did you eat dinner
Uttra- yes off course and u
Ram-me to your mom has made masala dosa
Both now other one is lying
Ram-i miss you and I love u partner
Uttra -i love you and miss you too partner. .okay bye I am getting sleep. Cut the call
In mm
Ramta room
Ram is crying vigorously sujata place hand on his shoulder
Ram-no I will talk to you. .nor I will eat your tasteless manchurian and will not get up early and go to office  (pout)
Sujata -ram don't behave like kid ...ram uttra has to adjust we cannot live like this she has to be mature ....ram don't look like this I know my daughter is smart or some other day uttra has to live us
Ram-no I bring ghar jamai
Sujata -don't talk stupidly. ..moreover I sant her for swasan and we can get some times
Ram with shinning eyes
Ram-suju are you planning for Sanutt siblings 😊😊😊 I am so excited
Sujata turned red
Sujata -pagal
Ram-tomorrow I am going to goa for a meeting you to come we will celebrate our 110th honeymoon
Sujata-ram you are such a shameless man
Ram- baby u have wake up sleeping lion know u have to bear consequences
Sujata -shut up and eat your dinner sleeping monkey
Ram pouts
Uttra room
Ansh is feeding her with so much love after finishing the dinner
Uttra-jaan u will allow me to do lot of masti and visit dad daily
Ansh-jaana I will allow only that masti which doesn't lead father and daughter to jail......and if you want I can become ģhar jamai
Uttra-oh really ...
Ansh-jaana that rajat is behind u ...I don't like when someone is checking my girl
Uttra-awww someone is jealous. ..jaan leave him because uttra 's heart beats for ansh ...leave him to bhai
Ansh-jaana for bhaiya love story is going round and round only
Uttra-first Swara Bhabhi has fall in love with him....
Ansh-jaana we create situation like he is helping someone show how kind he is
Uttra-ansh love is not situation based if show some situations which make him good but what happens when negative situation come. ..Ansh love is pure divine we cannot apply it .it's upto sanskar bhai how he create love in Bhabhi's heart
Ansh-so what we will do
Uttra-add spice in their love story
Later ansh goes sanskar Swara comes with plate full of food
Uttra-u both
Sanskar -we know u didn't have dinner
Uttra-I had
Swara-dont lie we say u going and uttu in absence of mom dad we are your parents
Sanskar -and when you were small u always food from my plate always play with me
Swara-but I thought uttu is closed to dad
Sanskar -that happens because I have gone abroad for higher studies
Later both forcefully make her eat then kavya comes she place rasgulla ..all goes
Uttra-aaaa my stomach it will blast in any moment ...ayiioo I will see you all
In morning
All boys comes
Sahil-yrr this girls take too much time
Sanskar -they have to apply 1kg makeup then also say I have done just touch up
Swara -how mean...Sanskar maheshwari do u think I put 1kg make up
Sanskar -no I was just
Swara -shut up
Kavita-sanskar can u drop me to clg
Sanskar -sure ....
Swara-ansh can you drop me
Swasan gives a look to each other
In clg
Group of students are troubling freshers ...they called Swara
Student -i am yours senior samrat
Student-attitude .....u have to do what we say
Samrat-otherwise we will not let us study peacefully
Swara-what I have to do
Samrat-u have to slap anyone coming
Swara to look suddenly turn towards samarat give him tight slap 
Samarat-how dare you
Swara -u only said slap anyone
Samrat -u
Swara i don't have time for u and goes Jd has seen this
Jd-beauty with brain deadly combo
While searching for  the class Swara is roaming in corridor someone pull her to empty place Swara shock to see the person
Samrat-u have done a big mistake by insulting me today I will teach you good lesson
Swara tried to push him but he holds her tightly and going to place his lips on her Swara turn her face and tightly close her eyes before he touch her someone push him and beating him Swara sit down and seeing it Sanskar comes Swara ansh what happen. ...Sanskar bends down to Swara
Sanskar -swara what happen
Swara-dont touch me .....
She is shivering in fear sanskar what might happen by seeing Swara condition sanskar anger reach to peak he goes towards samrat and beat him mercilessly
Sanskar -how dare you touch my Swara
Ansh-leave him Sanskar
Sanskar -how dare he
Smarat-leave me
Ansh calls uttra
Ansh-jaana please come to back side the clg hurry up ....cut
Uttra reach there and shock to see the situation
Swara-leave me
Uttra shake Swara comes to reality Swara see uttra hugs her and cry by hearing her cry sanskar stops and comes towards Swara
Sanskar -u take her back she is scared
Uttra sign ansh and take sanskar to corner
Uttra-bhai Bhabhi needs u know her eyes where seeing you where u trust her not
Sanskar -but I trust her
Uttra-that's it she need her man know who make her comfortable go
Sanskar -thanks uttu but stay away from rajat
Uttra- nodes
Then sanskar thanks ansh and Swara with him and uttra and ansh also go and someone kidnap samrat

Next will be tonight or tomorrow morning
Only swasan

swasan -unexpected marriage (Completed )Where stories live. Discover now