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Swara-ansh she has to give answer why she did this with us ..
Swara cryingly goes out ansh is seeing her helplessly Swara takes out her car and goes
After sometimes she reach a building get out of the car and straightly goes to a room
Swara-you are happy na you broke the family members from inside your dad he forget to live your mom she becomes machine ur love he is completely broken
Swara break downs and see towards a girl who is lying lifeless many wires were attached to her body her eyes were open
Swara-uttu ur Bhabhi is alone i want my best friend back please wake up this 5yrs have broken us..ur buddy ur Bro is living in guilt for being reason for your condition ...u are so mean na ..okay fine I will come daily ...Swara runs out crying some tears falls from eyes
In evening
Sanskar -dad tomorrow I want to organise a party for the successful completion of project
Ram-hmm if you needs any help tell me i am in study room
Sujata -sanskar come her son
Sanskar goes to her
Sujata-we both will show her we are to stubborn  if she don't care us we also doesn't care for her
Swara teary eyes goes from there Sanskar and sujata cries and hugs eachother Sanskar goes to his room
Sanskar -tomorrow is a party
Ram-i will wear my blue suit white t-shirt
Sujata -that one was tored na last tym
Uttra-mom dad's that piece of  cloth is tored year ago and which u were telling is of Bro which dad stolen from his cupboard
Ram-he purchased a new one i have seen it is so awesome
Sanskar -dad u stolen my clothes
Uttra-awww bhai it's not new most of your dashing clothes were stolen by him
Ram-what u wear
Uttra-blue dress
Ram-that one na u purchase by stolen sanskar credit card
Sanskar shockingly
Sanskar -u both
Ram-wah son wao in childhood u buy clothes from my salary and u always take my hanky my chocolate ....when ur dad become old u are getting angry because ur old dad toke ur clothes and ur little sister toke some money
Uttra-bhai u changed ....let's go In corner and cry
Flashback ends
Sanskar -dad uttu look i have purchased many clothes please stole them here is my card please
Swara who is seeing sanskar condition broke
Evening party
Party is awesome but everyone is missing the spice of the party all dp family is also there
Ragini -Swara look the family if I would be Sanskar wife is would have not let him broken. ..look he lost spark in his eyes
Swara doesn't reply sujata who heated it
Sujata -u are right if you are his wife he would have died ....look i avoid you and silent that doesn't mean any Barking dog can say anything to my elder daughter
Ragini goes Swara hugs sujata party is going on a lady enter by wearing Burkha. .Sanskar notice her. .lady straightly goes towards Swara but sujata called her later lady approach Swara but before that sanskar take the lady to corner
Sanskar -who are you
Someone -hey sanskar
Sanskar turn towards him in mean time lady escape and reach towards Swara and give her a card
Swara -thanks but u should give it to sanskar na
Lady-open it
Open the card
Bhabhi I am Radhika your chashni  ..
Swara -rad
Radhika -don't react read
Di I want to tell you very important about uttra's accident
I am waiting for u in backside of your bungalow don't say anything anyone

Radhika leaves to backside after sometimes
Radhika -Bhabhi u came i want to say...
Fear was visible on her face
After sometimes  party get over Swara making excuses goes to backside
Swara reach backside she hear painful shout she goes to the direction to see Radhika has been stabbed on her stomach and pool of blood comes from her mouth 
Swara-who did this chashni
Radhika shouting Swara get rooted to see that her tongue is cutted
Swara-sanskarrrrr anshhhhhhhhh
Swara-nothing will happen to u Sanskarrrrrrr
Sanskar and ansh were discussing something then they hear Swara shout ...both run to Swara followed by Ramta
Sanskar ansh-Radhika
Sanskar -who did this
Radhika is holding her stomach  shouting in pain
Swara-sanskar take her to hospital
Sanskar and ansh hold her and place her in car
In car
Swara-radhika nothing will happen to you  (teary eyes )
Sanskar -chashni don't close your eyes
Radhika's condition is becoming critical
Ansh -hold on radhu we reached
In hospital
Radhika is taken to ot
Sanskar -who has this much enmity with her
Sujata-who is she
Ansh-Radhika uttra's best friend

Next update after 60 comments. ..I know it will take time till then I have the time to think

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