Certain Girls Are Meant to Be Alone

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Dear Diary,

How will Lotor react to a suicide that isn't of his own creation?


The faint noise of the cheerleaders practicing can be heard, muffled by the doors, as I sit in an empty classroom, opposite Keith Kogane. "I now know thee, thou clear spirit." I dig in the pocket of my coat and pull out an envelope. Keith raises an eyebrow as he weighs said envelope.

"That's from Moby Dick." I smirk.

"You're very well-read."

"What's in the envelope?" I gesture for him to open it and he complies. It's full of pictures that spill onto the table.


"Just a tangible reminder that at one point a few years back, you and Hunk Garrett dated." Keith swallows.

"Where did you get these pictures? Did Pidge give them to you? What do you want, money?" I slowly put all the photos back into the envelope and put it into my pocket.

"A favour." Keith snorts.

"No way." I continue.

"I want your strength. The Garrison doesn't need mushy togetherness, it needs a leader." I pause. "Shiro was that leader but..." Keith still looks unsure.

"He's the only one fit to be a leader."

"I think you are. In Catcher in the Rye, Holden says his ideal job'd be making sure some kids don't fall off a cliff. He doesn't realize if you pay too much attention to the kids, you'll back off the cliff yourself." Keith pauses.

"The photographs?" I grin.

"Don't worry. Like I said, I'll ask you to do a favour, one you'll enjoy. You'll get the negatives and everything back then."


I stand, leaning on my croquet mallet as Lance takes a shot. He jumps and misses when he hears Keith's voice. "Hey guys, missed you after eighth period." I snort.

"We were avoiding you." Lance nods but I see him take a small step back, towards me.

"What you did to me sucked." Keith sighs.

"Fine, skip the foreplay. I need you both to sign this." He holds out a clipboard. I take a few steps closer.

"What is that?"

"It's a petition to have the governor declare a day of remembrance to honor the victims of suicide. I've gotten everyone to sign it, even the dweebs and losers." Lance takes the clipboard and signs. I shake my head.

"I'm not signing that." Keith pulls a face.

"It was your boyfriend's idea." I freeze.

"Lotor?" Keith nods, bored.

"He made up the signature sheet and everything." I take another step.

"Look, I don't know what Lotor is up to, but if you know what's good for you, please just throw that away." Keith snorts.

"Not a chance. I'll just fake your signature like I did with Hunk's. He's in no shape to sign anything today."

"Why not?" Keith smirks.

"It's on the radio. He took a belly flop off the Old Mill Bridge last night holding a suicide note." I drop my mallet. Shiro stands next to Keith, smirking.

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