"I'm sorry Peter, but no one at the scene fits the description of the profile." Karen said after 2 minutes of running every face through the database. Peter forcefully took his mask off and threw it at the wall. He quickly stripped off his suit, and put his regular clothes back on. He started pacing his room. He was feeling so much anger and despair. May's death wasn't an accident. Someone set that fire on purpose, and made Peter have to sit for 5 days and watch his aunt slowly die. The image of May's burnt, lifeless body flashed through his mind. His hands started shaking, and his breathing became heavy. He soon slowly fell to the ground against one of his walls. His vision became cloudy. He put his head in his hands, and tried to slow his breathing. He then heard a door open, and a voice. "Hey kid, Tony... Kid? Are you alright?" Peter didn't answer in any form. "Hey, what's happening? Is this a panic attack?" Happy asked worriedly.
"Yes it is." Peter didn't answer, but Ned did. "He used to get them after his Uncle Ben died." Ned said while sitting across from Peter, and putting his hands on his shoulders. "Hey, Peter listen to me. You're okay. Just breathe. Okay? Breathe." Ned said. Peter calmed down slowly.
"Thank you." Peter said to Ned who just nodded his head in response. "What were you trying to tell me Happy?"
"I was just going to tell you that Tony invited a couple of your friends over for dinner, and he wanted you to come down." Happy said a little shaken up from what he just saw.
"Oh god. Tony. You won't tell him about this will you?"
"Of course not kid. This is something for you to tell him when you're ready."
"Thanks Happy."
"No problem."
"Who else did Tony invite besides you?" Peter asked Ned.
"He invited MJ and Liz." Ned said.
"What? Why'd he invite Liz? She hated me." Peter started to panic more.
"Calm down. She doesn't hate you." Ned said. Peter just shook his head and walked past them into the bathroom.
"I'll be down in a minute." He yelled through the door indicating that he wanted them to leave. When he heard them leave, he turned on the cold water and splashed his face with it. He took a couple breaths before heading downstairs.
When he got to the kitchen, everyone was just standing around waiting on him. When they saw him everyone but Liz sat down. "Hey, Peter can I talk to you for a second?" She asked and he replied with a nod. He led her to the common room, and waited for her to speak. "Look, I'm sorry about your Aunt." She said.
"It's okay." Peter said looking down.
"I know when I left I was mad at you, but I've forgiven you. I shouldn't of even been mad. I understand now that you were probably trying to find a lot out. I know that your uncle died like 10 months before homecoming, and I realize now that you were probably having a hard time dealing with that. Not to mention, you have the internship, and you had to balance your regular schedule with that, and I just never realized how hard it must've been on you. I feel like I was just completely oblivious to what you were going through during that time. I'm sorry." She said kind of rushed like she was trying to convince him not to be mad. He just stared down. "Will you at least say something?" She asked sounding worried. That when peter let out a quiet sob. He looked up, and she saw tears rolling down his face.
"You shouldn't be sorry. Not for my mistakes. I was too caught up in trying to keep everyone I love safe. I promised myself after Ben died that I wouldn't let anything bad happen to anybody, and I failed. I failed May. I failed her. I should've saved her. I should've done something. I was too late like always, and it cost yet another person I loved to die." He said shaky. Liz was shocked. She hadn't realize how bad he would be. She knew he'd be sad, but she didn't know that he would just bury himself under all the guilt. She stepped towards him and hugged him. They just stood there rocking him back and fourth for a minute until he wiped his tears away, and forced himself to stop crying. "They're probably waiting for us." Peter said walking out.
They ate pizza for dinner. They all engaged in a nice conversation about scientific theories. By "nice conversation" I mean debate. They debated weather time travel could happen. They debated the multiverse theory. They debated over climate change. They all enjoyed it too, even Peter. Then Ned asked a question about what other superpowers people can have. They all started a list:
Time Travel
Running at a super fast speed
Shape shifting
Turning things into ice
Controlling fire
X-ray vision
They just came to a conclusion that the possibilities were endless. Tony looked at the time and told everyone that it was time to go since it was a school night. They all said their goodbyes and left.
Peter lay on his bed thinking about the list of superpowers they came up with. He couldn't keep his mind off one of the powers at all. He put his mask on. "Karen what are the characteristics off the fires that make the police think it's the same guy?" Peter asked.
"All the fires have no clue to where it was originated. The cops think that the arsonist somehow started it with an untraceable weapon of some kind." Peter dwelled on this information.
"Karen look through the crowd from tonight's fire, and search the crowd for anything that might suggest one of them has a power."A/N: This is the longest chapter I've ever written. It has 999 words.
I just want to thank everyone for the reads. I wasn't expecting so much. It means so much to me!
FanfictionAfter Aunt May dies, Peter starts to lose all his brightness, and his friends try to help him.