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‘There would be no purpose to life it was always so simple and straightforward’


CHAPTER 1 *unedited.


“I love you.” Were her final departing words. 

The same words circled Zayn’s mind. The woman he had came to love; who had possessed his body, mind and soul was gone. She had left him.

Tears welled up in his dull light blue eyes as he realized that this woman who he had married would no longer be there when he woke up. She won’t be up late every night waiting for him. He wouldn’t be able to see her smile or listen to her melodic laugh. Everything was wiped out.

Zayn sobbed as both his hands tightly crushed her pale motionless hand. He internally begged her to return, he prayed and prayed. But his prayers were left unanswered. 

Malika Shah his wife was gone. Forever.

His grieving was disrupted when the cry of a baby bounced in the small hospital room. His daughter. That small whimpering baby was the creation of his and Malika’s unconditional love.

She had gone giving birth to his daughter.

The day Zayn Shah received his biggest happiness was the day he received his biggest sorrow.




Aliyah Khan


She was gone.

The phone slipped from my unresponsive hands and crashed against the smooth tile. I felt numb inside out.

My flight had just landed in New York and my excitement was soaring above all in eagerness to meet my new niece or nephew. There was still two full weeks to go till the delivery date. But I was late, too late.  

The doctors could only save the baby. Who knew the cost of bringing this baby into the world would mean me loosing my only sister.

She was my role model, my friend, and my only supporter. Too sum up that girl was my life. She stood up for me when my family went against me moving to the city of London to attend university. She encouraged me every step of the way. Taught me to stand up after every fall, to meet my problems head on. 

What happened to standing up after every fall Malika? You gave up you left us all. I internally screamed in my mind as my legs gave way and I stumbled down to the cool floor clutching my broken body. Tears fell from my brown eyes staining my once flushed cheeks. I rocked back and forth as people walked past me shooting looks of sympathy. 

I sat in the airport sobbing uncontrollably and praying. Maybe if I prayed with all my heart will, maybe Allah would hear me. We needed Malika, this family needed her but most of all her baby needed.

Our last conversation ran through my mind.

Is your bag packed for the hospital?” I asked, as I carefully painted my nail a muted pink color, attempting to coat every inch of the nail.

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