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Chapter 22 *Unedited

’He turned my world upside down’

I never gave up on you Zayn. I waited for 5 years and even today I’m stood here waiting and hoping that maybe you might whisk me away to my happy ever after.

You gave up on me. You.

So much was floating through my mind. The fact that I was in love with Zayn Shah, the man I was sure and set on hating. That hate somewhere along the line evolved to love. The love he could never return. He twisted and burned my heart and I’m glad Malika’s gone she wouldn’t want to find how unfaithful and a cheat this man could be. 

“Do you believe he’s left us? The great mighty Zayn has left us?” Rizvan gasped as he stared at the spot where his car had once stood.

I could feel my hands trapped in Rizvan’s hand and I harshly pulled my hand away from his.

I was done with him.

“I want that ticket to London,” I said as I crossed my arms and squared up to him. Aisha’s sobs shut down as she looked towards me.

“I have them, we go tonight.”

He’s delusional.

“I want my ticket and I’m going alone. Do you understand? Alone,” I shouted feeling the anger course through me. I was rejected again. I was foolish and pathetic. 

“What is wrong with you? You love him don’t you? Did you just not see him walk away, for god’s sake Aliyah he’s divorcing you and he sure did look happy about it,” he growled. 

“I’m what’s wrong with me. I am what’s wrong, oh forget it I define wrong, do you hear me?”

“You’re crazy Aliyah.”

“I know. I’m crazy about him, I’m… It just hurts,” I felt the tears fall. It hurt, his rejection pained me broke me apart.

“He cheated you, he could be the father of that kid,” His face scrunched up in disgust.

“No he’s not,” Aisha screamed as she huddled towards us pointing an accusing finger at him.

“A year after Malika’s death, he ended everything. He told me to leave,” she shouted. Her eyes bore into mine. I looked down avoiding her cold glare. 

“I hate you Aliyah. I really hate you because you have Rizvan. But trust me Zayn left you because he wants your happiness, he left me out of respect for you. There’s something there, something neither you nor I know. You need to go back to him and ask for answers Aliyah, because I know he loves you,” she stated.

“Are you really going to leave me Aliyah?” I heard the sorrow leak from his whisper. 

“You have a family,” I said as I held his hand which hung loosely by his side in defeat.

“It could be Zayn’s.” 

“Dammit have a paternity test or whatever you want, but just stop it,” I cut him off watching the shame and guilt fill in Aisha’s eyes as her head bowed down.

“I want nothing, I just want you. I want a life with you, please Aliyah, there’s no one standing in our way anymore, no one to fear,” He whispered grasping my hand pleading as his brown eyes glossed over. 

“I’ll always be here, I’ll always be your friend Rizvan, and I promise I’ll be there when you need me. You have to understand what we had was 5 years ago can’t exist again. Everything has changed including me and you,” I whispered pulling my hands away.

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now