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CHAPTER 11 *Unedited

'Apology & Recovery'

I just stared at the plain white ceiling in silence trying to separate every piece of thought. My cold hands were grasped tight on the piece of paper, which lead to that one person who could maybe shine a light of hope in my dull life. 

Technically and literally I was in no relationship, Zayn was a show only, we were nothing. We were two complete strangers sharing a house and nothing more. His daughter which I once called mine probably distasted my presence after learning the truth. The thoughts cut through me like salt being vigorously rubbed on an opened and untended wound. 

I sighed and continued to look up dazing in and out of sleep. 

What felt like hours later but barely a few minutes the door slammed open and thrust into the side of the wall likely to leave a deep dent in the white polished wall. 

My eyes sprang from the boring old ceiling to a set of inky blue eyes, which I had learnt to hate. 

His eyes were unique to many but after years of seeing pure hate being shone in those blue orbs I learnt the worst feature Zayn possesses were those harsh cold stone eyes. They seem to slice you alive and the anger floating in those blue specks shone strongly.

I blinked back the tears and looked up at the ceiling once again, not ready to see those sinful orbs.

I felt him move towards me and the shadow of his tall looming figure fell over me, causing another wave of panic and distress to shoot through my tired body.

“That was a stupid move Aliyah,” He growled out and the tears fell. I let the dam go and allowed them to fall freely. I was so close to death, lying on a white hospital bed and this man just thrusts the fact that I’m stupid right in my face.

Why did I not trail behind Rizvan and begged him to take me back?

He stood silently observing my uncontrollable tears.

“I’m sorry… I was just…” He muttered, he jerked back and sat on the small plastic stool next to the foot of the bed. 

Zayn Shah apologized.

I relished in the apology, the words that left his mouth where the most sincere and honest.

“I really am sorry Aliyah, I just… I don’t know what happens to me,” He whispered and his shoulders hunched over and his eyes fell down to stare at the grim tiles.

I kept my mouth shut and trained my eyes on the ceiling not wanting to see the built up guilt and sadness, which seemed trapped in his crystal blue orbs. No amount of apology could live up to the tears that had fell from my eyes every night since the day Malika had left. 

“I know… I know you sacrificed your young carefree life to help me out, to help Zaisha out,” He sighed and his voice sounded heavy. 

He stood up and walked towards me, my heart thudded in sync to every step he took towards me.

His warm hands encased my pale hand. His touch felt heavy and wrong.

“Give me a chance?”

My heart stopped.

So many years I had waited countlessly, waited for the day Zayn would move on from Malika and accept the reality. Accept me. I would have gladly taken his hand in mine and smiled but the white paper which was crushed between my palm seemed to cut through my skin and remind me of what I had, what I should have.

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now