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CHAPTER 13 *Unedited

First Day Luck’

The ride home was silent; Zaisha nodded of to sleep, as I slowly maneuvered the car carefully through each bend, dip and sharp turn in the road. The oncoming brilliant white lights from each car stung my watery eyes as I pulled up in the driveway.

I slammed my head back on the seat and drunk in the tears. I was done with the heartbreak, the questions the accusing glares, the anger being dumped upon me.

I snapped the thick seatbelt off and opened the door, shivering as the cool breeze nipped at my skin. I gently opened the back door and carried Zaisha inside; leaving the shopping bags nestled in the back boot. The buzz and excitement of spending dollars had burned away. Burned away with the words that were slapped across my face by the man I had hoped I would never clash ways with ever again. Yet here he was in the same city as I. Miles and countries away from London where I had closed our last chapter forever.

As soon as she landed on the bed she cuddled into the warm blankets and let out a soft breathy snore. 

I sat up straighter, softly pushing my arms away from Zaisha’s small body. I took the stairs two at a time and opened up the door to retrieve the abanded shopping bags. I needed something to take my mind of him. To rid the words he had spoken to me. To rid the pain. 

I walked back into the cool air but stopped when I caught the looming shadow of a person. My heart stopped. 

It could be Mary. But the built of the shadow was too tall. It was a strong and tall built of a man.

My heart raced and the blood pounded in my ears. I took a small step back keeping the gasp locked in the back of my throat. I should have screamed and ran, but the fear was keeping me still and keeping my mouth shut tight. 

The shadow moved and a dull calming sense enveloped me. 

I let out a breath and my hand fell to my heart which beat a tattoo against my chest in shock. 


His brown orbs were intense and questioning.

“Did I scare you?” His worried glance washed over my body looking for any damage. The only damage done was to my heart.

“What… what are you doing here?” I asked in frustration, gritting my back teeth and feeling the strain on my jaw. He probably forgot a few bad words and came by to remind me to what extent he pities my sore life. 

“I’m sorry,” He sighed and I watched his hand fly up to his hair, his nervous habit.  I watched his chocolate thick hair and itched to run a hand through each strand. But shook away the thoughts.

I remained silent. I didn’t need his apology. I needed no one. 

“I should have… God what am I doing? I should be hating you, but… I’m here,” His voice ended in a whisper, which drifted in the light breeze.

He suddenly moved towards me filling up the distance between us and clasped his warm hands on mine. It should feel wrong, I should have shrugged him off but instead I seeped in his warmth the radiated from his touch.

I really did love him. I loved him so much that it hurt; it hurt to think of it. 

“Take me back Aliyah, please?” His pleading voice reached me. His hands held onto me tightly and his eyes held raw intensity.

“Rizvan…” The words caught in my throat. He still wanted me back. He thought I was married to a rich man and had a daughter but he still wanted me back. Tears filled up in my eyes and I pulled back the sob, which was bursting to escape. I wanted to wrap my arms around him so hard and cry out all my tears and worries.

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now