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Chapter 20 *Unedited

‘Dirty Gamer’


This had to be some sick joke. There was no logical answer to this woman’s inconsistent rambling. She was confused.

Rizvan’s eyes where watching the woman he had named Aisha like a hawk. Tears continued to fall down her face as she turned towards him burbling about forgiving her. She made no sense as she scrambled towards him. 

I was waiting for the famous line, ‘I can explain’ to fall out of his mouth. But it didn’t he stood silent as the front door once again swung open silencing the woman’s plea. 

“Stop being foolish,” The man snapped with a dark thin ponytail and beard, his forest green eyes narrowed in on me and I bit back the gasp. 

“Marcus?” I whispered as he softly took Aisha’s arm against her protests and pulled her into the house. He was Rizvan’s roommate back in the halls when we where all at university.

He stayed silent softly moving Aisha along with him into the house. She halted and turned towards me burning me inside out with her glare. 

“You’re a bitch. How could you do this? Knowing your own husband neglected you and left you whilst you yearned for his love and attention. How could you inflict the same upon me Aliyah? How could you be so fucking selfish but you know what he’s watching.” She pointed at the sky, letting out a laughter, which sounded more like an animal. 

She knew far too much about me. But I knew nothing about her.

“He’s watching and you both, you both will burn,” She directed her gaze towards Rizvan who watched me carefully.

“This is a mother’s curse,” She growled, as Marcus pulled her into the house slamming the door shut. 

He was waiting for me to break. But I didn’t. 

Silence fell upon us.

“Rizvan you never mentioned your wife?” I asked.

“You never mention your husband either?” he answered me with question. His words felt like a sharp slap. He was using my own word against me when he was in the wrong. 

“I’m done,” I snapped, turning away from him and walking out of the driveway.

Where was I going to go? How would I go? To be sure I was the world’s must unprepared woman. I had no money, no phone. Nothing.

I felt his hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back snapping me out of the miserable thoughts. 

“I’m sorry. I just…” 

He stopped glared down at the floor and looked back into my eyes.

“I’m scared Aliyah. I’m scared you’re going to leave me and I just can’t let you go,” He replied. My heart jumped at his words.

“I’m married. I should have told you, but I couldn’t. It took me so long, so fucking long to get you here that I just couldn’t blow my chance. But what you saw is wrong. You saw half the picture not the rest.” His hand stayed locked on my wrist as he stared into the depths of my eyes. He looked so desperate, so eager. 

“Explain the other half I haven’t seen,” I whispered.

I loved this man and he had every right to explain himself.

“It was force. This whole marriage it was a lie. That whole I’m running half of a business deal was a lie too. After dad’s death we were so poor and nothing was working out. I was practically drowning in debt. I had no degree, nothing to get my career up and running so I turned to the only option. I married this woman because she was the only child, her father could offer me half of his business and property. He treated me like a son.” He rambled on and gripped my hand.

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