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Chapter 19 *Unedited

‘Heart Fail’

I sat silently staring out the window avoiding his unsettling gaze and twirling my fore fingers together. My mind continued to repeat the reasons why this was wrong, why this was unacceptable and why I should tell Rizvan to take me back. My mind was a broken record on replay and I had no access to the stop button. 

I knew inside that I had left a piece of me behind; a piece of my heart behind and that pained me. 

“Stop it,” 

His voice snapped me out of my endless stream of thoughts. My eyes locked on to his and I felt the tears line my eyes itching to break through and mark my skin. Because this was real, looking into his eyes made this all real. 

I was really running away. Running away from my family, from Zaisha and Zayn. The people I had shared a home and a part of my heart with for 5 full years.

“You regret this, don’t you?” I heard him whisper. He closed his eyes for a millisecond and snapped them open focusing on the road ahead. It was past midnight and the streets were empty sparing the odd few delivery lorries. 

“No… I…” 

“Your scared Aliyah. Your scared of what every one will think of you, right?” He said gently, his hand moving from the gear to fall on my hand.

I nodded. Maybe this was the nagging reason bugging the hell out of me. 

“There’s no reason to waste time thinking of other people. They don’t give a damn because if they did Aliyah your mother and father wouldn’t have given away their last daughter to a married man. They wouldn’t have sold you.”

He was right. 

I let the silence fill the tension between us as my eyes watched the blurred images pass by as the car speeded away from my old life.

“Where are we going?” I broke the silence glancing towards him. 

“To an old friends house.” He said softly.

“But we were leaving for London?” I questioned staring at the frown lines that appeared on his smooth tanned skin.

“I want you to marry me first Aliyah. I want sold written proof, a guarantee that will reassure me that you are mine.” He paused gulping in. 

“I’m scared. I’m scared that he’ll take you away from me. You know… I’m not even sure if I have your heart anymore,” he whispered staring at the road and avoiding my stare.

He was scared of loosing me. Then why couldn’t the man I had given 5 years to and multiple chances to not realize my worth?

“Don’t be,” I whispered and saw the small smile that lingered on his face warming my heart.

But then it hit me. I was married. Could a married woman marry again? 

“I’m married Rizvan,” I whispered my thoughts as he drove into a tight driveway of a small brick home. The world outside was silent as they slept. It was quite and only the light from the car illuminated the house creating dark shadows. 

“You can’t be. Because it was force Aliyah. Did you…?” His eyes shut closed as he slumped down in the seat. I knew what he was asking. Had I slept with him?

“No. He… he never touched me.” 

I watched him rise up from his seat. His brown orbs gleaming and his hands moved to hold mine. 

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now