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CHAPTER 10 *Unedited

'White Lights' 

It was the early hours of the morning as I watched him take away his crying daughter. I internally cursed at his every move. It’s like a switch was flipped on inside him and now he suddenly realizes that Zaisha’s his daughter, his blood and a part of him. 

But what stung most was Zaisha’s behavior, her outbreak, and her reaction. So what if I wasn’t the one to birth her, I had treated her like she had left my very own womb. I was the mother my mother never was to me. I tried so hard to be the perfect example and to take care of her every need. 

I pulled out the suitcase from under the bed and roughly unzipped the stubborn zip as it caught on. I flipped the case up coughing as the layer of dust flew up and shimmered into the thick air. My eyes scanned through the clothing, which was roughly flung into the suitcase.

I pulled out a pair of washed blue jeans, which five years back I used to consider my lucky pair. I always wore these jeans before sitting any exam. I flung the jeans on the bed and shoved through the rest of my clothing and picked out a loose knitted sweater, which donned many holes. It was a dark deep maroon color and oversized. 

I pulled the sweater close to me and tried smelling the manly cologne, which my senses couldn’t pick up on. The scent used to be so strong and vivid but now it smelt nothing but old wasted dust.

The sweater belonged to him. 

I closed the top of the suitcase and shoved it back underneath the bed and stood up.

It was 1.20am. No reasonable and good mannered girl would be out on the streets. But I need an escape, a fast escape.

I quickly dressed in the jeans and thick sweater once again trying to breath in the scent, which was embedded into the old wool but smelt nothing. 

I picked up a dark leather shoulder bag, quickly running through the contents. I was heavy on cash, seeing as Zayn always gave me weekly pocket money so I wouldn’t ever need to come to him and ask. He treated me like a child and today I would prove I am a child, a trapped and neglected child. 

I peeked through the door to check for him but was greeted with pitch silence. I slowly walked down the stairs and picked up Zayn’s keys to the Audi and ran out of the house, unlocking the car and buckling into the red leather seat. Tears once again welled up in my eyes but I forced them back.

I need a long drive to cool me down. 

I shuffled around with shoving the key in, it had been so long since I had drove. Nerves racked me, maybe this wasn’t the best way to deal with the issue. But Zaisha’s reaction punched my gut reminding me once again why I was doing this.

I would be back by tomorrow morning; I just needed space and time.

I slowly started driving and drove out of the heavy brass fences clutching the steering wheel with both hands tightly. I had never gone further than Zaisha’s school, the mall or the surgery. There was never any need and frankly Zayn never thought I needed fresh air or a relaxing vacation. He felt food and four walls were enough to survive in. 

Maybe sometimes he forgot I even breathed.

My foot flew down on the gas pedal, as I felt the gush of adrenaline and the memories of my old blissful university life came flying back. I rolled down the window and breathed in the cold air, loving the feeling of the harsh wind smacking against my face. 

Tonight I had decided I would be the same reckless girl I was five years back. The same reckless girl who had chosen to hand over her life to Zayn Shah. I thought I was doing something great, something that would leave my name carved in history books. 

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