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CHAPTER 4 *unedited

'Run Away' 

I ran down the stairs tripping over my own feet as I landed on the final stair and took in the scene of the lounge. Glass was shattered on the floor and the vase had been thrown violently against the large mirror, which once used to stand proudly against the creamy white matt walls. 

In the midst of all the mess stood an angry looking Zayn. His muscular and tall form shuddered with anger as his smoldering blue eyes locked with his father. Uncle Shah seemed unfazed by his stance his eyes stayed emotionless.

“You will marry her,” Uncle Shah broke the silence.

Guess he blew the bomb.

“I will marry no one. Do you understand,” He growled.

“This is for the best. Look at you.” Uncle Shah pointed at him.

“You can’t force me.” Zayn shouted as he kicked the coffee table, making the glass shatter against the tiled floor. I cowered back from the flying glass and looked a the two men.

Laila walked up behind me and tugged me back from the scene. “ Come on, leave them two it.” I shook my head in disagreement and stood frozen.

“Tasleem is the perfect girl. You need to get back on with your life.”

“Who are you to fucking talk? You never remarried when mom died,” Zayn bit back and clenched his fist. His words were dirty and probably hit a sore spot.

Uncle Shah looked up in shock, he stepped back staring at his son in sorrow. Zayn was really starting to turn into a cruel bitch. We all felt the same loss he did.

“I had my sister to look over you two,” He whispered, as his eyes looked down at the floor.

“There’s no need for marriage. The baby has her aunty to look after her,” my eyes averted from Uncle Shah to Zayn. No he wouldn’t, did he really expect me give up my life for his daughter. 

“I’m going.” I spoke up for the first time, letting them know I had watched the whole commotion.

Two sets of pale blue eyes landed on Laila and me.

“I’m not going to stay here forever Zayn. I have a life, I still have my university course to complete.” I explained as I watched his eyes blaze up in anger. 

“I’m not going to marry anyone,” He bit out in anger. 

How could he do this? How could one be so selfish? His daughter needed a mother’s love. 

“You’re fucking selfish.” I screamed out in anger as I stepped through the glass and pushed him hard. His fiery eyes stayed locked on mine.

“You didn’t even hold your daughter when she was first born because you were so concerned about her. You think you’ve lost everything. No I lost my sister, they sister I’ve known more than you, we were raised together.” I felt the dam of tears let loose. I couldn’t keep this bottled up. 

“My mom, my dad… They lost the daughter they birthed and Zaisha that innocent soul lost her mother. She needs a mom, she needs love which she’ll probably never get from you.” I chocked out as I drove my fists into his chest.

I felt Laila wrap her arms around me and pull me away from Zayn’s frozen form. I shoved my arms around her and cried my eyes out. I was sick of this constant crying, this constant tension.

The room was filled with silence only my sniffling could be heard.

“I’ll marry her,” I heard him whisper. I turned away from Laila’s embrace and looked at him. His arms swung loosely by his sides in defeat and his eyes seemed focused on the shattered glass, which lay sprawled on the floor. 

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now