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Chapter 21 *Unedited

‘He gave up on me’

My heart felt empty and hallow, as I stayed put outside. The early morning breeze seemed colder and harsher slapping me against my numb cheek. I leaned against the sleek car trying to trap the warmth around my shivering body.

“Stay right here, I’ll go sort out this mess,” Rizvan said cupping my cheek and giving me a small reassuring smile. I nodded as he unclicked the locks to his car. I caught the door of the house open slowly and Marcus strode out, his dark ponytail whipping in the breeze.

“She’s asleep,” He said and motioned Rizvan towards the dirt road. I winced as I caught his cold glare.

 “Stay inside, I’ll be back soon,” Rizvan said smiling softly and walking along with Marcus and out of my sight.

My hand locked on to the door handle of the car but I stopped, standing still and staring at the tall brick house which casted a shadow over the narrow driveway.

My mind was forcing me towards the house, but Rizvan told me to stay here. But do I want to stay here? I firmly believed that one must listen to both sides of the story. I couldn’t blindly follow Rizvan’s words.

That would be injustice towards Aisha. 

I stepped away from the car and turned around scanning the dirt road but found it silent and quite. I backed away from the car and jogged towards the house. I pulled in a deep breath and pushed the gold doorknob down and allowed myself into the house.

I was greeted with pitch silence and darkness. I ran my hands through the plain walls searching for the light switch. I flipped the switch on and slammed straight into the glass table out of shock. 

A high-pitched scream left my mouth as my heart thundered at the sight.

She was sat on the grey couch her head in her hands as she softly sobbed. Her cold eyes glanced up from her hands and locked with mine. I hadn’t heard her quite sobs. 

“He loves you. He loves you like crazy. He was with me, but screaming your name,” she sobbed and rocked on the couch. She looked out of her mind, lost and speaking utter nonsense. 

I stood frozen staring at her state. Her hands lay protectively over her stomach as tears fell from her eyes.


“You’re sorry, are you not?” She whispered cutting through my words. 

I paused.

“No. I’m not sorry. I’m just here to hear what you have to say.”

“Then I’ll say it now. This baby belongs to Rizvan,” She shouted as she stood from the couch, holding on to her stomach. Her eyes shone with desperation.

“What about Zayn?” I whispered. 

This was the reason why I was here. I wanted Zayn to come out clean. I wanted this baby to belong to Rizvan. I just needed a reason to return home and continue to live my old life.

This woman could give me that reason to pack up and run. 

Her face fell and her eyes dropped to the ground.

“He was with me,” she whispered and my heart froze and my mind blurred. The pain was too much to bear. It hurt knowing he was with this woman.

“You’re lying,” I whispered.

“You’re lying. Tell me the bloody truth and I’ll leave Rizvan, you can have him. You can have your family,” I screamed as I felt the tears return.

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now