Chapter 2

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     "Good morning, Scott," Kirstin, the young detective greeted Scott as he entered the squad room. "Montgomery is holding an emergency meeting in his office at eight thirty so don't be late."

     "Thank you, Kirst. Know what it is about?" Scott set the coffee he bought for her down on her desk and leaned against the cubicle divider. She smiled her thanks up at him.

     "Nope. Didn't say. K.O. told me that it has to do with the tip that was called in yesterday, though." Scott perked up at that.

     "Yeah, I figured it would be. We probably have a new case." Kirstin nodded her head. "Well, I better get started on some paperwork. I'll see you in about an hour then."

     "Yep! Thanks for the coffee, Scott. You are definitely my favorite here."

     "You sure it's not—"

     "Shh!!" Kirstie interrupted her friend before he could finish. She waved him off and brought her cup to her mouth. Scott winked before crossing the walkway to his office.

    Scott plopped down into his chair and rubbed his eyes. He had about an hour before he had to head to his boss's office for the meeting but he really didn't want to do paperwork. The last case was really tough on the whole team and they really could've used a break, but with crime happening every day, they were almost non-stop going case after case. He tapped his pen on his desk in thought.

    Scott really hadn't been here at the precinct that long to be where he had gotten. Technically, he has been officially working as a detective for four years on top of his two-year internship here straight out of college. He loved it here. He was always busy and involved in cases and his boss even took notice of his hard work and dedication, promoting him to team leader and giving him his own office.

     Kirstin has been his saving grace the entire time he has been here. Also, his closest friend since he moved here from Texas right before starting his internship. On almost every case, Scott has utilized her IT skills. She's a wiz at gathering information and has never let him down.

     Scott scribbled his signature on the bottom of a document then glanced at the clock. He stood from his chair and made his way over to Montgomery's office for the meeting. His team was standing and chatting outside the door.

     "Hoying, didn't see you come in this morning. How're ya doing?" K.O. clapped him on the shoulder and flashed his pearly whites.

     "Hey, Kevin. I'm good." Scott turned to the rest of his team and nodded a hello.

     "Right, Scott and company. Come on in." Steven Montgomery stuck his head out of his office and waved everyone in. He passed out manila folders to everyone. "Yesterday, we got a phone call about nine pm. It was an anonymous tip informing us of a location that could help figure out where a lot of the missing persons from the past year have gone. Today we are going to scope the place, make sure it isn't a trap and collect evidence. I've already had Koop do some research into the location. Koop?" Montgomery gestured to the thin woman.

     "Alright, so what I have found so far is that it's an old warehouse for storing shipping products. It has been closed for about fifteen years after being shut down for not meeting regulations for handling and selling products." Esther pulled a picture out of her folder and held it up. "Here is the aerial view of the building. Main entrance is located on the west side with a smaller side door on the south side."

     "I can do more research into what surrounds the building and the individuals that frequent the area." Kirstin pulled her tablet out and started typing away. "See if there are any old security cameras that are still in use."

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