Chapter 8

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     Mitch followed Scott silently up the stairs and into the quiet apartment. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head and sat on the edge of the bed, weighing the pros and cons of falling asleep in his uniform. He plopped backward with a huff and smiled at the quiet chuckle from across the room.

     Scott fell face down on the bed next to him and he turned his head.

     "You look so tired tonight."

     "Yeah, I worked pretty hard. Plus, it's hard to relax when you are constantly alert and nervous."

     Scott leaned closer and reached up to brush Mitch's bangs away from his forehead. He watched Mitch's eyes flutter closed. "Hey, come on, you gotta get changed for bed."

     Mitch grunted.

     Scott stood up and grabbed Mitch hands, pulling him up to a sitting position. Mitch swayed. Good thing he had practice dealing with a half-asleep Mitch. "Stand." He made his voice loud and demanding. Mitch whined, his bottom lip sticking out a little, but followed directions anyways, opening his eyes when he was pulled up. "I know you're tired but you will regret sleeping in your makeup. Come on." Mitch let himself be pulled into the restroom and he leaned against the counter, twisting his head to crack his neck.

     He waited patiently as Scott dug around Mitch's bag for a makeup wipe. Scott reached up to start taking his makeup off for him but hesitated. He set it gently on the counter.

     Mitch's brows furrowed, he wanted Scott to do it. He stood still as Scott left the room and reentered with a t-shirt. Mitch lifted his arms away from his sides as Scott tugged his silk shirt out of his shorts. Mitch turned around and lifted his shirt out of the way, exposing the zipper. He watched Scott's face in the mirror as he pulled it down slowly, and hooked his thumbs at the top, pushing his shorts down over his hips. He stepped out of them and turned back around. Mitch looked down at Scott's hands reaching up slowly to unbutton his shirt then up at Scott's face as more of his skin became exposed to him. His eyes were following his fingers down his bare chest. His lips were parted slightly and every couple of minutes his tongue would wet them. Mitch subconsciously mimicked him. His breath hitched as Scott brushed his fingertips back up and pushed the shirt off his shoulders. Goosebumps raised on his skin now exposed to the air.

     Scott's touch lingered on his arms and when he finally pulled away, Mitch missed the touch. He put his hand on the t-shirt sitting next to him so Scott couldn't pick it up. Blue eyes flicked up to his. He was nervous, but he had always been bold. With a slight tremble in his hands, he reached for Scott's tie pulling the thin side out of the knot and sliding it out from around Scott's neck. Scott, catching up to what was happening, unhooked his gun holster and gently set it on the counter and leaned his hands on either side of Mitch, trapping him in. He lifted his head, exposing the small button at the top of the shirt. Mitch smiled internally and his excitement quickly made him forget how tired he was. He undid the small button and watched Scott's Adam's apple bob up and down. Mitch didn't take his time like Scott did, quickly undoing the rest of the buttons and letting Scott slip it off and fold it neatly. The silver belt buckle was unlatched and pulled out of the loops and he unhooked his pants, slowly tugging down the zipper.

     Mitch was very aware of the growing problem in his own underwear, but even more so, the one a millimeter from his fingertips. He wanted Scott. Wanted to kiss and touch and suck but even after all these nights sleeping next to him, they had both seemed to understand that it just wasn't part of the plan for them right now. Yeah, they had woken up wrapped around each other most mornings, but they never commented on it or hinted more than their usual flirt.

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