Chapter 16

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     Mitch was sad but not surprised when he woke up to a phone call from his work. His boss sounded upset that he had to fire one of his most popular employees, but more often than not, Mitch was a source for bad press for them. He laid staring at the ceiling not really sure what to do from here on out.

     "Who were you talking to?" Scott exited the bathroom, still drying his hair from his shower.

     "I just got fired from Jazza's."

     "I'm so sorry, baby. Anything I can do to help?"

     "No, that's okay. It's just a little stressful." Mitch sat up from the bed and scooted to the edge, pulling Scott close and resting his head on his stomach. Scott rubbed his fingers through his hair.

     He heard Scott sigh. "I know we just started officially dating, but I was going to talk to you about this eventually. My lease is about to end and I was thinking of moving apartments." Mitch pulled back and looked up at Scott. "I might be jumping the gun way too fast, but if you break your lease, then maybe we could look for a place together. I know it's really soon, but you have already been living with me for like a month and I really can't see us not sleeping in the same bed anymore, so... yeah... I don't know. I was just thinking."

     Mitch was about to speak when Scott started up again.

     "Then you wouldn't have to worry about paying for an apartment. And you don't need to be living in that apartment anyway, considering the circumstances."

     Honestly, it was logical, but it was really fast for them. He might not have gone back to his apartment at all, but he liked knowing there was an option if he wanted it. Moving in with someone means there is no option and you give up virtually all of your personal space. He was a little worried about that, not being able to escape when he needed alone time.

     "That is really fast."

     "I know, I was just putting it out there. I totally get it if it's a bad idea."

     "And you wouldn't be paying for the apartment by yourself. If we live together we both contribute."

     "I didn't mean to imply anything negative by that, I just meant I could help with the financial burden until you find a new job."

     "Well, what kind of apartment are you looking at?" Mitch scooted and patted the bed. Scott sat down gently and leaned back on his arms.

     "I haven't done much looking, honestly. I'd imagine we'd want something a little bigger, with a dining room and living room." He chuckled at his current set up. "Something a little closer to Broadway perhaps?"

     "Why Broadway? That's farther from your work."

     "Uh, I guess I just assumed it would be closer to yours."

     "I don't have a job, remember?"

     "Yeah, but you are gonna be a Broadway star, remember?" Scott tilted his head with a grin and Mitch rolled his eyes. He pretended to be annoyed, but really, that sounded amazing to him. Scott was definitely starting to convince him.

     "Keep going."

     "Maybe two bedrooms so we can have a guest room for visitors?"

     "What, we gonna have sleepovers with the team or something?" Mitch didn't hate the idea. He'd love a girl's night with Esther and Kirstin.

     "I was thinking more along the lines of our parents."


     Mitch totally forgot to even think about Scott meeting his parents. And meeting Scott's parents. Wow. He chewed on the inside of his lip as the official-ness of their relationship was starting to sink in. It was a little scary.

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