Chapter 17

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     "Hey, Scott." Mitch was a little nervous to be calling. The day he left, he woke up to an empty bed and a text that said 'have a safe flight' and they hadn't talked since. It had been over a week and while he loved spending time with his mom and dad, he couldn't help but think about the sharp-dressed blonde constantly.

     "Nice to be hearing your voice."

     "Yours too. How is everything going?"

     "Good. We set a date for the trial. Unfortunately, it is in three months, but they wouldn't let us push it up any farther. I'll text you the info so you know when and where."

     "That's good I think. I'm not really sure what's normal for cases." Mitch was already getting bored of this technical talk.

     "Eh, it's kinda good. Definitely not bad. The earlier we go to trial the earlier they get locked up."

     "Just Zach and Adam?" Mitch had heard next to nothing about what had happened with Sean.

     "Sean had two people helping him, and they are probably going to get some time. We cut a deal with him though, so he is just doing community service or something like that."

     "Oh." Scott's monotone voice left Mitch clueless as to how he was feeling about it all. "Are you okay?"

     There was a long pause. "Yeah, I think so."

     "I'm sorry I left while you had to go through all of that, I didn't really think about the timing."

     "It's fine. We haven't discussed anything other than the case, so I can't say I'm really upset about anything right now." Scott wanted to tell Mitch that his heart hurt so much he couldn't breathe, but he would never be able to get the words out.

     "I miss you." Mitch did miss him. He didn't feel nearly as safe alone than with Scott.

     "I miss you too." Scott tried not to sound too relieved, but hearing those words lifted a weight he didn't even know was there. "When do you come back?"

     "I don't know. I haven't booked anything yet. Probably not for another week or so. I was thinking, though. I know you are very busy, but what if you took Friday off and came down for the weekend?"

     "I thought you wanted time alone?"

     "I did, yeah, but I don't think I need any more space." Mitch had focused hard on his feelings and emotions the past week, and boy, were they all over the place. One day he would convince himself that he wanted to be single forever, the next he would convince himself he wanted to marry Scott. He was so back and forth on what he wanted that he seriously had no clue what to think about their relationship. It wasn't until the fourth night when his sister brought her husband over and he sat as a fifth wheel at the dinner table did he realize how badly he wanted Scott there; Laughing, talking, and getting to know his family. He could imagine one day they would share matching rings on their fingers and it made him emotional, the sudden need for his touch and comfort and love.

     "I don't think I should." Mitch honestly wasn't expecting Scott to say no.


     "Oh, okay. No worries. I'll see you sometime next week then." Mitch tried his best to sound nonchalant.

     "Hey, babe? I have a ton of stuff I need to get done before Friday so I'll let you go, okay?"


     "Bye. Hope to see you soon."


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