Chapter 5

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     Mitch was just as exhausted now as he was a week ago. His mind was constantly running and he hadn't been able to make it stop. The move to the safe house was entirely anxiety provoking. It was very secretive and he was sure his blood pressure had reached an all-time high. The four nights he spent in it were even lonelier than nights he spent alone in his own apartment, but he was pretty sure he was comparing it to the night he stayed with Scott, which honestly, makes every other night feel lonely. He was very bored. Only able to watch movies and waste time. He was able to watch the news, which was informative of the situation but not enough to calm him, just enough to make him more nervous and seeing Stephanie up there was really weird for him. Why was she doing all these interviews and not him? It made him feel completely useless.

     He had barely seen Scott, let alone any of the other team members. Kirstie often popped in to bring him groceries or take out but would leave almost immediately after and Mitch was getting antsy. He liked to be busy and this whole waiting around thing was not doing it for him.

     He carefully pulled his newly washed uniform on over his hips, buttoning it and tying his apron around his waist. He was excited to be going back to work. Singing and dancing and, hell, even serving food to customers, was very cathartic for him. About ten minutes before he was supposed to leave, a knock drew him from his thoughts.

     He checked the peephole, just like he was instructed, and unlocked the three locks on the door opening it wide and smiling at Scott's familiar face. The sharp dressed man stepped over the threshold, closing the door behind himself and he turned to Mitch, holding out car keys.

     "What's this?" Mitch took the keys and examined them.

     "You can drive yourself to work and back. We will have someone keep watch the whole time, so you don't have to worry."

     "You? Will you be keeping watch?" Mitch was hopeful that it would be Scott today. He missed knowing he was there all the time. His hope was squashed with the look Scott gave him. "Oh, okay. It's cool. Yeah. I'll just drive myself and not worry about a thing." A smile crossed his features but even Mitch knew it was more fake than genuine. He wasn't good at faking emotions and he knew Scott could tell easily. He was a little annoyed. "Alright, well I got to get to work then, so I'll see you later." Mitch brushed past Scott but the man caught his hand and he was pulled to a stop.

     "Mitch." His turned his head but kept his body facing the door. "I'm sorry. I know you've been stuck here."

     For a second Mitch thought he would apologize for practically avoiding him all week, but maybe he really did have work. It felt like he was being avoided. "It's fine. I really have to leave for work though." He turned to the door and continued, but again, he was pulled to a stop, this time pulled backward until he was standing right in front of him. He knew they were technically nothing, but he couldn't help but feel like the night they spent cuddled together meant something. Maybe he was wrong.

     "Stop. You can't do this. You know what I told you about this from the very beginning." Mitch knew exactly what he was talking about, but that didn't mean he had to like it. "I need your full trust."

     "You've never not had it, okay?" Everything in him didn't really want to make this a big deal, but he couldn't help himself. He was feeling terrible and he was lonely and Scott was standing here practically telling him why he wasn't here for him right now and he was frustrated. "Can I please go to work now?'

     A flash of hurt crossed Scott's features and he released Mitch's hand, letting him pull away from him. Mitch crossed the room and was about to open the door when he hesitated, not wanting to leave the situation like this. "I'm annoyed, okay? I've been stuck here for four days with like, zero human interaction. I just need to establish normalcy in whatever my life is right now. That includes trying to figure out what the heck whatever this is if anything." Mitch gestured between him and Scott. "And believe me, I understand the rules one hundred percent. More reason for me to be annoyed."

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