Chapter 13

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     A/n  Posting tonight's chapter in the early hours instead of the late ones. I am going out of town for a couple days and I won't be able to post, but you can expect the next update late Sunday night.

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All my love,



     They heard a door slam and Mitch hopped off the desk and looked over at Scott. He was so pale he was practically white and stared straight ahead, standing completely still outside of Montgomery's office. Mitch took a step but hesitated.

     Scott shook his head and blinked, unable to absorb the information that was just given to him. He looked up and met eyes with Mitch. The small brunette looked nervous. Scott walked over to him swiftly, carefully avoiding eye contact with any of the other people looking at him and grabbed Mitch's hand, dragged him across the hall into his office, and flipped the blinds shut. Mitch stood quietly in the middle of the room watching him, and he leaned back against the door, blinds flattening and pressing against the glass.

     "Why didn't you tell me?" He ground out the words, frustration and anger clear in his voice.

     "He didn't want me to tell anyone."

     "I'm not just anyone in this situation!" Mitch flinched at the rise in his voice but didn't scrunch down into himself. If Scott needed to yell to cope, he was going to let him.

     "All he did was take me from the parking lot to the warehouse and he was the one to keep the call going. He wasn't involved in any of the stalking or murders."

     "You don't actually know that! My own blood kidnapped you! Someone who I looked up to, someone I trusted. He was supposed to be dead!" Scott rubbed at his quickly filling eyes. "Literally my own flesh and blood took you from me and put you in the arms of a killer and I just can't wrap my head around any of it! How did he even know you? Why did he leave? Why couldn't he just say he was tired of Texas and let us know where he was going?"

     Mitch listened carefully to Scott's word vomiting. He wanted to know the same things, but it was more interesting as to how he was processing everything. He thought for sure Scott would be more concerned with the fact that Sean was actually just alive, but the questions that just tumbled out of his mouth were largely centered on Mitch being involved. Mitch took a tentative step forward and watched Scott wipe his eyes. He didn't know what kind of angry Scott got so he was a little scared to approach him.

     "Sean cares for you."

     Scott's hands dropped to his side and his body stiffened. His hands opened and closed repeatedly and he clenched his jaw. "If he actually cared, he wouldn't have put me in this position in the first place. He wouldn't have gotten involved in whatever he is now, he wouldn't have left me or our parents. He wouldn't have taken you from me."

     "He isn't the bad guy. He helped me!"

     "He put you literally in the hands of someone who could've killed you. Don't you see that?"

     "I know he is the only reason Katherine is alive. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably still be in that goddamn warehouse. He may have taken me, but he could've told Zach I was unscrewing my chair, or that Stephanie and I were talking the whole time, or cut off the phone call and hurt me worse. He was paying off a debt he owed."

     "Why are you defending him? Of all the people in the world, how is it you that knows more about my own brother than me?"

     Of all the people in the world? Mitch tried really, really hard to be the calm one in this conversation, but he could feel his adrenalin stirring. "You think I knew who the fuck wanted to take me? You think I would've just chosen to have your brother be the one to scoop a bag over my head and drag me into a van?" He could see the regret form behind Scott's eyes. "You can't go blaming me for something I had no control over. I just am telling you what I heard from him."

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