Chapter 12

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     Scott was still reeling. He had been lying in bed awake for close to four hours just listening to Mitch's soft breathing and staring at nothing. He assumed the team wouldn't expect either of them back in today or tomorrow.

     As much as he knew it didn't make sense, he couldn't get Zach's words out of his head. He didn't want to believe him, he was obviously mentally disturbed, but his words had an ounce of truth to them.

     He looked down at Mitch's face. Eyelashes were lying gently on his round cheeks and his perfect lips in a pout. He carefully dragged his finger over a very chapped bottom lip. Mitch had captured the hearts of his entire team. When he got bored of him or they fought over his job, how were any of them supposed to let him go? Scott's life the past five months had been about protecting Mitch, caring for Mitch, making sure he was fed and happy. How would he be able to give that up?

     He wanted to convince Mitch to give him his heart too.

     He leaned down and captured Mitch's lips with his own and felt him flinch awake. He pulled back and waited for him to catch up.

     Mitch smiled through his sleepy face and he crashed their lips back together. He grabbed his hips and rolled him onto his back, leaning over him. He gently grabbed Mitch's jaw and squeezed, forcing him to open his mouth to him so he could dive in deeper. He felt hands slide over his back and drag his fingernails over his underwear on his butt. He pulled back to catch his breath.

     "You are wearing more clothes than me." Mitch's voice was shy but he looked up at him with big brown eyes filled with desire. Scott scooted down the bed and stood at the end, pulling the covers with him and revealed Mitch's body to the room. He shoved his underwear down, giving Mitch the same pleasure. Scott couldn't help the blush as eyes raked down his body and back up.

     "You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, Mitch." Scott spoke truthfully. Nothing compared to the way Mitch looked exposed to him with tousled hair, laying in his bed.

     "No. You are so out of my league that this feels like a dream." Scott wanted to laugh out loud at that. No way in hell was Mitch in a lower league than him.

     "Come here." He watched Mitch shiver and lick his lips. He slowly sat up and crawled over to him and lifted to his knees at the end of the bed right in front of Scott.

     Scott's hands cupped his cheeks and he kissed him tenderly. One hand traveled to the back of his head and he fisted the dark hair and pulled back gently, breaking their kiss and forcing Mitch to look up at the ceiling. His tongue slid over his chin and down his jaw, where he spent time sucking light bruises into the pale, olive skin. Mitch swallowed and let his eyes fall shut. The way Scott was tilting his head was exponentially better than any of the ways his head was forced up in the past three days.

     Mitch's hands stayed still against his pecks as he kissed his neck, but as he made his way back to his mouth, he felt them drift down to his belly.

     He pulled back and released the brown hair, letting Mitch's had tilt back down to him.

     He caught the hands drifting down his stomach. A flash of confusion crossed Mitch's face.

     "You are not doing any of the work." Scott wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled until their stomach's pressed together tightly, Mitch's cock caught between them.

     His hands slid up to his shoulder blades then back down over the curve of his rear, kneading the flesh with his hands.

     "My knees hurt," Mitch whispered and Scott stepped backward, pulling him off the bed and let him get his feet under him.

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