Chapter 3

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     The team was still on their lunch break when they arrived. Mitch followed Scott through the same hallways but instead of turning into Scott's office they continued to a different door. Mitch could hear talking that quieted when Scott knocked lightly on the door frame.

     "Scott? I thought you were going to take care of Mitchell?" A man's voice sounded and his insides warmed, already feeling a little better about his situation.

     Scott glanced down at him and sidestepped out of the doorway. "Team, this is Mitch, Mitch this is the team behind the investigation." Mitch scooted over into view and was a little nervous when no one said anything and just looked at him. His eyes drifted over the people in the room. There was a beautiful blonde woman that was sporting a soft smile, a woman and a man who looked similar, Mitch assumed they were brother and sister, and a gentle looking black man with kind eyes. He stood up first and brushed his hands on his pants.

     "Hi, Mitch. I'm Kevin Olusola. You can call me Kevin or K.O." He took the three steps from the table and stuck his hand out. Mitch smiled and shook it. Kevin's movement seemed to snap everyone into action and they all got up to introduce themselves. A thin woman with glasses rounded the large table to stand in front of him and Mitch saw the bearded man follow behind her. She grabbed his hand.

     "Hey, I'm Esther Coop. You're in good hands with us here, okay?" She held his hand in hers until he nodded and when she moved, the bearded man appeared in front of him. Mitch took a step back from the intimidating figure and his back bumped into Scott's chest.

     The serious face on the man quickly went soft as he smiled. "Hi, I'm Avi," Avi said and Mitch accepted his handshake.

     "I can feel your voice in my sternum." Mitch blurted out and Avi chuckled. He could feel Scott laugh behind him too. Avi went back to his seat and he stepped forward out of Scott's personal space. The beautiful blonde woman approached and stopped in front of him. Her eyes flicked between Scott's and his own and he stuck his hand out. She smiled and placed her hand in his. "You must be the beautiful Kirstin. Scott has a lot of good things to say about you." A few voices of protest filled the room and she rolled her eyes.

     "Don't mind them, they are just jealous I'm the favorite. You should come sit by me before one of them bores you to death with their dull personalities." Kirstie stuck her tongue out at her colleagues and tugged him forward, pulling the chair next to hers out and Mitch turned to look at Scott who smiled reassuringly and nodded. Mitch plopped down in the chair and smiled, very aware that everyone in the room was still looking at him.

     The whole team started talking their heads off and Mitch laughed at the many jokes told. He felt comfortable here with these people and safer than he has ever felt in NYC alone. Mitch let his eyes wander to Scott still in the doorway. Probably had to do with the fact that he was literally trapped in a room with people who were all being paid to make sure he stays safe.

     Time passed quickly when he was talking to the group. They were curious about him and asked a ton of questions. Also, not shy to bring up Scott when he revealed something he had in common with him. Mitch liked getting to know them. They felt like a family and while it made him miss his own, he was happy to be a part of this one for the time being.

     Mitch jumped when Scott's arm reached over his shoulder to set a package on the table in front of him.

     "Sorry. Hope you like turkey." Mitch looked at the sandwich then to the man taking a seat next to him. He read Scott's name on the package. "Was this your lunch? I don't want to eat what's yours." Mitch scooted the sandwich towards Scott.

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