Sneak Peek

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Here is a sneak peek of Finders, Keepers. Book 2.


     He loved the way Scott knew how to open him up. He loved how lazy and slow they were. He loved the hard squeezes to his fleshy thighs and the bite marks that peppered his shoulders and neck. He loved sinking down onto Scott, hissing at the deepness the position allowed. Scott's arms did most of the work, helping lift and lower him when his legs went numb and shaky. He loved the closeness. He loved Sco--."

     "I love you." Scott's voice was grunted as he lifted and repositioned Mitch onto his back, pressing back into him. "Ohh, I love you so much." Mitch felt like he was drunk. Drunk on feelings and touches. Drunk on love.    


     His face was spattered with a deep, muddy red. More was dried and crusted into his white button up. There were smudged handprints on his stomach, like he had wiped his hands there, and the cuffs of his sleeves and hands looked practically dipped in blood. 

     As he approached, her warning to stay away became clearer. Scott's whole body was shaking and he was clenching and unclenching anything that could. His eyes were wild, flicking between the blood on his hands, the floor, and the nameplate on the door. He wasn't pacing, but his weight was being shuffled from side to side like he couldn't make himself stand still.

     Mitch stopped about ten feet away. He couldn't make himself go any closer. Scott was scary. 


The story is coming along very nicely! Let me know of anything you hope to happen and where you want the story to go! Thank you all for being a part of this series. 

     Big things happening! Get Excited!

Love Ya,


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