Chapter 11

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      The six hours to daybreak felt like a lifetime to Scott. He sat at Kirstie's desk, staring at the entrance to the squad room, just waiting for Zach to be escorted through those doors. He had to fight the urge to punch something else.

     Montgomery pushed open the door and led Zach down the hallway and into the same interrogation room he was held in last time. Scott stood and took a deep breath.

     He nodded at Avi and Kirst, heading in behind him. Scott wanted nothing more than to cuff him and throw him in the nearest cell, but he had to play stupid if he wanted any more information out of him.

     Zach looked nervous. "Why the heavy armor?'

     "Oh, just called in for a different case  and haven't gotten a chance to change." Scott shrugged and plopped down into the chair heavily. "Look, I wanted to ask you something about Mitch. That's why I called you back so soon."

     Zach leaned forward over the desk, observing him carefully. "Okay."

     "I remember you said something about Mitch being hard to trust. Can you explain that a little better?"

     A flash of confusion flashed over Zach before he took what seemed to be a calming breath. He looked down at his hands. "Mitch is, ah, well... a free spirit, if you will. He has big dreams and high hopes and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. That includes not letting people get in his way either." Hopefully, Scott would be able to convince him that he believed Mitch actually broke up with him.

     Scott nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. "I can see that, yeah. Why do you still love him if he treated you so badly?"

     "Like I said, he is the kind of person that steals your heart and never gives it back." Zach, again tilted his head, trying to figure out what Scott was doing. He smirked a bit. "He did the same thing to you, didn't he? Only took one special night with him for you to realize the power that he has over you. His doe eyes looked straight into your soul and you can feel him simultaneously feeding you life and sucking it out of you. And his voice is like a siren, drawing you in until he gets what he needs, then throws you into the deep abyss and makes you fend for yourself. But you never get back above water. You're always under, choking and out of breath, just staring up at him looking out at the sunset."

     Scott stared speechless at Zach. It was true, Mitch did have his heart even before he met him, but he had yet to been cast away from him. He frowned and closed his eyes, sighing and scooting down into his chair.

     Scott heard his in-ear crackle to life. "Scott Adam hasn't been answering his phone and we can't trace it anymore. We don't know where he is." Kirstie was nervous, he could tell by the shakiness of her voice.

     "I don't think I could have put that better." Scott glanced up at Zach. He had a smug smile, borderline happy, and he was tapping his fingers on the desk. "If you'll, ah, just give me a minute. I'll be right back." Scott did his best to look teary-eyed, and really, it wasn't hard after the speech he was just given.

     Scott closed the interrogation room door and looked up at his team members waiting for him.

     "Holy shit." Avi's deep voice sounded strange cursing. "That was the scariest and most beautiful thing I've ever heard a suspect say."

     Scott immediately turned and locked the deadbolt on the door behind him. "Time to go. If Adam thinks we are calling him to arrest him, he might be getting rid of the evidence."

     Kevin and Avi nodded and followed Scott to the armory to gear up.


     Kirstie's voice came through in his ear. "Scott. Adam still won't answer and we still have not located him from here."

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