Chapter 14

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Miku gasped, and began running. She couldn't kill two witches at once, especially not in the same labryinth. She could feel the edge of the labryinth close by. Sprinting faster, she reached the barrier of the labryinth.
Stopping, she began moving forward again, trying to push her way out of the barrier, but something kept stopping her.
"Fine, then." She growled. Taking out her sword, she slashed the air in front of her in a downward arc. A rift opened in front of her, and she stepped through, the setting sun's glow hurting her eyes. Raising an arm to block the light, she squinted at the sky, trying to guess how much time she had to build camp, before night fell.
Oriko saw Miku come out of the witch's labryinth, without Yuma.
"Where's Yuma?" Kirika asked. Evidently, she had noticed that Yuma was missing.
"The witch is still alive, so Yuma might be-" Oriko broke off, when she saw another energy pulsing within the orb. This green orb contrasted to the red orb that had been there. The two glows slowly faded, until try were gone, as try moved to somewhere else.
"Unbelievable." Oriko breathed. Kirika looked at Oriko in confusion.
"What?" Her voice told Oriko she did not understand. Oriko shook her head.
"Somehow, Ophelia managed to absorb Yuma into her, turning the two of them into a composite form of a witch. As a result, they are twice as powerful. Yuma's wish has not ended in despair, because when I persuaded her to make a wish, she chose to wish that she will always be able to find Kyoko and heal her. By turning the two of them into one composite witch, Yuma's wish will never fail, because to kill one, is to kill both." Kirika eyes widened as she realised what that meant.
"A witch born from hope and despair." She breathed.

As night fell, Homura looked down at her soul gem. Madoka stood next to her, staring also at the purple gem, as they waited for any faces and names to appear.
Sayaka appeared first. The sight of her determined, yet cheerful face pulled at Homura's heart, as she realised yet another Puella Magi died.
Madoka gasped at the sight of Sayaka. Homura realised how hard it must be for her. To be in an arena, watching all your closest friends fight to the death-she couldn't even do anything.
Kyoko's picture flashed on next, her cheeky, but vivacious grin, on her face. Homura remembered the first day, when they fought. How Kyoko was furious at her. How she attacked first. Another memory came. The memory of Homura fighting Walpurgisnacht alongside. It was ironic she had died in the very labryinth of Walpurgisnacht.

A picture of Yuma came onto Homura's soul gem. Homura barely knew her, but she did know that Yuma was very attached to Kyoko. Seeing how young she was - it was so cold-hearted of Kyubey to place such a young child in this arena, to fight to death.

No one else came after that. Homura sat down, motioning for Madoka to do so as well.
"We should camp here for the night." Homura said. Madoka nodded, not saying anything, her face full of sadness and grief, over the death of two close friends and a young girl.
"I could make a-"
"No," Homuta snapped immediately, "It will just make things worse. You can't wish to turn back time, you can't wish for anything that will help. We have to solve this ourselves." Madoka didn't say anything, she only stared at the ground. Homura had no idea what she was thinking.
"Just try and get some rest." Homura said more gently.

"This isn't looking good," Kyubey said. Juubey stood behind him, "We can't start breeding composites of witches. We barely get any magical energy from them, and they can't harvest any despair from a place where despair has already been reaped." Juubey nodded, his red eyes glittering.
"I have an idea."

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