Love is Love

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Chapter 3


Some months had passed. Sara and Sarah were still deeply in love. Sarah got Sara a job working at the college she lectured at. Sara taught French to incoming freshmen. Sara really enjoyed her job. It made her feel like she was back in France. Being able to interact with students and teach them made her feel good. One night after finishing class, Sarah went to visit Sara's classroom. "Whoa, it looks nice in here. It feels very Frenchy," joked Sarah. "Haha, merci!" said Sara. "Uh yea.. you're welcome, ha" replied Sarah. "What do you want to do tonight?" asked Sara. "I don't know. Err... let's go out to dinner!," Sarah said. "That sounds perfect!" Sara replied. The two hugged and left the classroom.


Sara and Sarah drove downtown to a lovely restaurant called St. Michaels. The place was very fancy and the food was excellent. "How are you ladies doing tonight?" asked the waiter. "Fine!" They both replied. "Are you ready to order?" "Yes! I'll have a medium rare steak with rice pilaf," said Sarah. "Ok and anything for you ma'am?" The waiter asked. "Oh, I'll just have the Caesar salad," Sara said with a smile. "Alrighty, your orders should be out soon!," the waiter said gleefully. "Thanks!," the women replied. As they were waiting for their food, Sara was staring at Sarah. She had that same look on her face. The same look she had when they first met. Sarah noticed and started smiling. "You're so beautiful," Sara said. "Thanks, you are too. I love you so much," Sarah said with a smile. The two leaned in and kissed. Sara took Sarah's hand and placed it into hers. "Sarah, these past few months have been so wonderful. You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life. I never thought that I could be loved by someone so much." Sara then looked into her purse and got out a ring box. Sarah started to tear up. "Oh my god. No.." Sarah said crying. Sara got down on one knee. "Sarah Nicole Thompson, will you marry me?" Sarah nodded yes. The people at the surrounding tables erupted into applause. Sarah was crying her eyes out as Sara was hugging her. After eating and celebrating their new engagement, the women went home. Later on that night when Sara was asleep, Sarah looked at the ring. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with the woman she loved so much.


The big day had come. Sarah was wearing a beautiful, white satin wedding gown. She had her hair pinned up in a nice updo. Her earrings were sparkly and her shoes were white, encrusted with diamonds. Sara also wore a white gown. Her hair was curled and she looked so beautiful. "I'm so nervous!," Sara exclaimed to her sister Amy. "Oh, honey you'll be fine! Once it's all over, you'll be happy," Amy replied with a smile. There was a knock at the door. It was the pastor named Tom. "Hey, you ready to get married?" Joked pastor Tom. "Yes!" Sara replied. Sarah was still in her dressing room. She looked at herself in the mirror. "Mrs. Sarah Littleton," she whispered happily to herself. She pulled out the vows she wrote. She started studying them over and over. Pastor Tom knocked on her door. "Hey, ready to get married?" "Yes, haha!" Sarah said laughing. The church was anxious. Sara and Sarah's families were both eager to see what they looked like. The music started and everyone rose. Sara came out walking down the isle with her dad Steve. The crowd oohed and awed at how beautiful she looked. Sara met Pastor Tom down at the alter. The moment that everyone had been waiting for was about to happen. Sarah came around the corner and began walking down the isle. The crowd, again, began to ooh and aww about her dress and the way she looked. Sara was in shock. She couldn't believe how absolutely gorgeous Sarah looked. She was almost in tears that's how emotional she was. Sarah got to the alter and held hands with Sara. Pastor Tom began to speak. "Ladies and gentleman, we are gathered here today to unite Sara and Sarah in holy matrimony." Sara mouthed "You look so beautiful" to Sarah. Sarah smiled and mouthed back "Thank you" "And now, the couple has written their own vows they will like to share," said Pastor Tom. Sarah unfolded the small piece of paper she had written her vows on. Her hands were shaking. "Sara, ever since I first met you I knew that you were the one for me. We share a lot of similarities and I like the time we have spent together. Every day when I wake up to your smiling face next to me, I feel so alive and appreciative to have someone like you in my life. I will always and forever love you." The crowd applauded. Sara was already crying. She straightened herself up and pulled out her vows. "Sarah, you have been so great to me. I never thought that someone like you would come into my life and make it so much better. I loved all the times we talked both over the phone and internet. I can't believe I'm standing here today, about to get married to the love of my life. Tu es sympa, extravertie, belle, et je t'aime beaucoup." The crowd applauded again. Sarah had started to cry. "By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you both wife and wife. You may kiss the bride." Sara kissed Sarah and the audience awed and cheered on. After the ceremony, came the reception. Everyone was boogieing down and dancing hilariously. The brides couldn't help but laugh. The last dance of the night really made their special day much better. The dj had played an old French ballad that Sarah knew Sara liked. The audience was quiet and the two danced the rest of their night away.

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