Love is Love

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Chapter 11

Baby #2

Sara's pregnancy was very different from Sarah's. She always felt dizzy, her feet would swell so badly to the point she could barely walk, and she had morning sickness everyday during her first trimester and majority of her second. She always had to keep a trash can near her desk at work. Sarah tried to comfort Sara the best she could, but she could tell that she was very miserable. She tried to get her to go on walks with her and Sophie or tried to get her to get out of the house sometimes, but the only thing Sara wanted to do was lay in bed. The baby would roll around and kick her sometimes. She did enjoy the feeling of that. Sara didn't gain a lot of weight like Sarah did. She was so small, she didn't start to show until she was at least 6 months. "You don't even look pregnant," Sarah would joke. "Haha, I know!," Sara would laugh. Sophie was happy about her new sibling. She would run up to Sara and say "baby" over and over. Sara would just laugh and hug her.


Sara didn't want to know the gender of the baby until it was born. Sarah was a little upset because she really wanted to know what their second baby was, but she just let Sara go through with it. They both decided not to have a baby shower and bought neutral colored clothes, diapers, pacifers, and blankets for the new baby. The two set up and decorated the new baby's nursery. The walls were painted a bright yellow and white. The crib, a dark oak color, was in the corner. A rocking chair was near the window. Luckily for Sara, this pregnancy was going by very quickly. One minute she was a few weeks, the next she was 9 months! Sara and Sarah couldn't wait to have this baby. They were eager to see what he/she would like. Some days went by and Sara's due date had finally come up. She was reading a book in bed, when she looked at her phone and saw she had a missed call from Sarah. She was going to call her back but she figured she would be teaching so she put her phone down and continued to read her book. Three hours later, her phone ranged. It was Sarah, so she answered. "Hey, honey! Sorry I missed your call earlier," Sara said apologetically. "It's ok baby, I didn't want anything. I was just calling to see if you were ok. Have you had any contractions or anything?," Sarah asked. "Nope. I'm still waiting on his/her arrival," Sara said. "Hmm, ok. Maybe you should go see Dr. Phillips. Just make sure things are going alright," Sarah said sounding worried. "Ok, hun. I will. I'll talk to you later," Sara said. She hung up her phone. She sighed and brought up the number for St. Vincents. She then put her phone down and rubbed her stomach. "Take your time, baby. Take your time."


A week passed and Sara had finally went into labor. Her and Sarah were finally going to meet their second baby. Sara had been in labor for 14 hours and she was in a lot of pain. Dr. Phillips suggested Sara to get epidural, but Sara insisted that she wanted to give birth naturally. She laid in the hospital bed moaning and crying. Sarah tried to soothe her by rubbing her back and neck, but it didn't seem to work much. "Oh goddd," Sara moaned. "I know, sweetheart. You have to be strong. You'll get through this," Sarah said trying to comfort Sara. Dr. Phillips had entered the delivery room. "Ok, Sara. I'm going to check and see how dilated you are. Hopefully, you'll be able to push very soon," she said with a smile. Dr. Phillips checked and stood back a little. "You're 8 1/2 centimeters! You're almost there!," Dr. Phillips said with glee. A few more hours passed and it was finally time for Sara to push. "Push, Sara!," Dr. Phillips and Sarah were saying. Sara was pushing as much as she could. Her face was red and sweaty. Her hair was tied up into a sloppy bun. She had tears coming out of her eyes. Sara did one big final push. She screamed insanely loud. She then laid her head back on the pillow when she heard the sweet cries of her and Sarah's new baby. "It's a girl!," Dr. Phillips said excited. Sarah and Sara started to cry. Dr. Phillips cut the umbilical cord and handed the baby to the nurse. Sarah went over and kissed Sara. "You did great, baby," she said nearly overwhelmed in emotion. Sara smiled. The nurse then handed Sara her second baby girl. Sara stared at her for a while. She couldn't get over the fact that she was in love with someone she just met. Sara kissed the new baby on the forehead. "I think I'll call you Seraphine," Sara said gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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