Love is Love

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Chapter 4


A year passed. Sarah and Sara had enjoyed being newlyweds. They went to Italy for their honeymoon and boy was it amazing. They saw all of the famous sights like the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum in Rome. Things were just great. After they got back to the states, they started to talk about settling down. Sarah really wanted a child. She was already in her early 30s and her biological clock was ticking. She constantly asked Sara when they were going to go see an in-vitro specialist. Sara was a bit iffy on the subject of children. She wanted them but at the same time, she didn't. She felt like she wouldn't be a good mother. But she never told Sarah that because she knew Sarah would get broken hearted and she wouldn't understand.


Sarah was frantically calling many OBGYN's in the area. It was pretty difficult to find OBGYN's who were willing to do in-vitro fertilization for a lesbian couple. Just about everyday Sarah called a different office and put in many requests. But no one would return any of her calls and her requests were denied. She got really depressed. She would come home from work, check to see if she had any voicemails and when there were none, she would go to her and Sara's bedroom and cry. Sara felt extremely bad. There was nothing she could really do. All she could do, however, was show support. To every negative thing there's a silver lining. One day, Sarah came home from work a little late. She checked her phone like she had been doing for the past week. "You have one new message!" said the voicemail. "Oh, great!" said Sarah. "Hi, this is Dr. Phillips from St. Vincents North East Hospital. I've reviewed your request on wanting to have in-vitro done, and well your request has been accepted. I'll see you Thursday at 10:30 a.m." Sarah was super excited. She ran back to her room and told Sara the good news. "Oh my god honey that's great!," Sara said with a grin. "I know! I can't wait to go!," Sarah said happily. Sarah kissed Sara and left out the room. Sara could hear Sarah calling her mom Sandra and telling her about the news. Sara was feeling weird about the whole situation. She didn't know if she was ready to take care of a child. She felt like a child would restrain their relationship. It would make their spark go out. She tried to over think this thought. But it was simply too hard.


Sarah and Sara were sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. Sarah was quite excited. A bit nervous, but excited. Sara, on the other hand, was a bit upset and a bit nervous. The nurse called Sarah up to the desk. "Sarah Littleton, Dr. Phillips is ready to see you." "Oh god. Wish me luck!" Sarah said to Sara. Sara smiled and kissed Sarah. "You'll be fine," she said. Sarah walked back to Dr. Phillips' examination room. Dr. Phillips was a very nice woman. She had long, black hair and hazel eyes. Her exam room was comfy. "Hello, Mrs. Littleton! I've been expecting you!," Dr. Phillips said. "Hello! I've been waiting for this day." Sarah said. "Ok, so I did look at your medical records. And you do qualify for in-vitro. Now here at St. Vincents North East, we don't deny anyone because of their race, sex or sexual orientation. I'm glad you gave us a call. We'll be doing the in-vitro on the 30th of November. Does that sound good to you?" Sarah nodded. "That's perfect!" she said trying not to cry. "Alrighty, I'll see you then!" Said Dr. Phillips. Sarah shook Dr. Phillips' hand and walked out into the waiting room. Sara was watching the news when she saw Sarah approaching her. "So what happened?" she asked. "Well, I have an appointment the 30th of November. We're gonna have a baby!" Sarah replied. "Yay!," Sara replied. The two walked out of the hospital hand in hand and went home.

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