Love is Love

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Chapter 7


Sarah and Sara stayed at the hospital overnight. They were still in awe about how beautiful Sophie was. "Aww, she has my nose and eyes," Sarah exclaimed happily. "She does!" Sara agreed. The next day came and it was finally time to bring little Sophie home. "We're going home today, baby! Yes we are!," Sarah cooed to Sophie. Sara placed Sophie into her car seat and shut the car door. Sarah sat in the back while Sara drove them to their apartment. "We're here!" Sara said overjoyed. Sarah carried Sophie into their apartment. She couldn't wait to get her out of her car seat and hold her. "And this is the kitchen. And this is our room. And this is your crib!," Sarah said, giving Sophie a tour of their apartment. Sophie was cooing softly. Sarah sat down on the couch with Sophie and began breast feeding her. "Honey, I'm gonna go take a shower." Sara told Sarah. "Ok, hun! Take your time!" Sara walked around towards the couch and kissed Sarah. She then walked to their bathroom in their room. Sarah continued to breast feed Sophie. She burped her and then held her in her arms. Sarah stared at Sophie. She couldn't get over how insanely gorgeous she was. Her little small blue eyes. Little tufts of blonde hair. She was the most perfect baby that Sarah had ever seen.


Some weeks had passed. Sophie was a thriving little baby. She always smiled when people came around. When Sarah or Sara would change her, she would just laugh and laugh. When they would go to the store, Sophie would babble and make sure she was being heard. People would aww and tell Sara or Sarah how cute she was. One day Sara's mom came in town to visit. She hadn't seen Sophie in person yet but she couldn't wait to meet her. "Oh my gosh! My little schnookums is so adorable! Can I take her back to Kentucky with me?," Sara's mom Becky joked. "Haha, sure! Give us a break!" Sara laughed. "Oh! I'm gonna have to take her with me! She needs to meet everybody!" Becky said. "Haha, well I'll pack her some outfits and her diapers and such," Sara said. After Sara packed Sophie's bag, she went and got her car seat and placed her in Becky's car. "How long is she going to be there?," Sarah asked. "Probably a week or two." Becky said with a grin. "Ok! Have fun Sophie! Momma will miss you!" Sarah said. She kissed Sophie on the forehead. "Bye Sophie! Mommy loves you!," Sara said. "Bye!" Becky said driving off. Sara and Sarah finally had some free time to themselves.


It had only been two days since Sara's mom Becky took Sophie to visit family in Kentucky and Sarah was already missing her. She was looking at pictures she took of Sophie on her phone. Pictures of her smiling and laughing. Sarah couldn't do nothing but cry. She missed her baby girl. Sara noticed that Sarah had been down in the dumps about Sophie leaving, so one day she planned a romantic evening out. First, her and Sarah went and saw a play based on some book. It was full of talented actors and actresses. Sarah seemed to like it. Next, they went out to dinner at their favorite restaurant called Ferrini's. It was an Italian cuisine restaurant. They ordered their usual chicken alfredo and wine. Afterwards, they went to the park. They went walking around holding hands and looking at the night sky. They listened to the crickets chirp and the rush of the lake not too far from the park. They got tired and sat down on a bench. "Today was lovely. I'm glad I got to spend it with you," Sarah said smiling at Sara. "Aww, thanks baby," Sara replied. The two kissed. They got up from the bench after gazing at the stars for about two minutes. When they got home, they laid in bed snuggled up together. Sarah was still a little sad but she was feeling a lot better than she had in the past few days.


It was midnight. Sarah woke up out of her sleep. She looked over at Sara who was gently snoring. She then looked over at Sophie's empty crib. "Baby," Sarah whispered. Sara continued to snore. "Honey, wake up please." Sarah whispered again. Sara rolled over. She opened her eyes really slow. She looked at Sarah. "What is it, sweetie?," She moaned. "I really miss Sophie. I just can't stop thinking about her. I want to hold her and kiss her a million times. I really miss my little angel." Sara sat up. She turned on the lamp on their night stand. "Honey, Sophie is in good hands. She's with my family having a good time. Plus, she'll be back at home in a week. There's nothing to worry about." "Are you sure?," Sarah asked. "Positive," Sara said stretching. Sarah looked a little relieved. "Well, now that I've woken you up, what do you want to do?," Sarah asked. Sara looked over at her. She smiled. "Well, I'm kinda horny now." Sarah bursted into laughter. "Haha! I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you to say that!," Sarah said. "Shut up and do me," Sara said jokingly. They both started laughing. After a minute of laughing, Sara kissed Sarah passionately. The two then got really intimate. Sara got on top of Sarah and started to thrust her hips. Her lips were still locked with Sarah's. Sarah started moaning a little and arching her back. Sara began kissing Sarah's neck. Whispering French nothings into her ear. Sarah had began to reach her climax. She could feel her orgasm coming, but she knew she had to try and last a little longer. Sara kept thrusting. She kissed Sarah's stomach. Gently licking her way up. Finally, a couple of minutes later, they both orgasmed at the same time. Sarah only made a whimpering noise, while Sara screamed in pleasure. The two kissed. Sara rolled off of Sarah's sweaty body and laid next to her breathing heavily. She knew she had did good. Sarah was still moaning from her orgasm. Sara cuddled up with Sarah and kissed her. "That was good," Sarah managed to breathe out.

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