Love is Love

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Chapter 6


Some months passed and Sarah was continuously getting bigger and bigger. In fact, just about every morning, Sara had to help Sarah out of bed. Sara didn't mind considering the fact that Sarah was carrying their child. Sarah enjoyed majority of her pregnancy. She loved when the baby kicked or hiccuped. Every time it did, she would call Sara or have her come and feel it. When Sarah was 5 months, she planned a gender reveal party. Her and Sara invited all of their close friends and family. Sarah had baked a cake that had the color of the gender of the baby inside. Everyone was excited to find out. At the end of the party, Sara and Sarah told both of their moms to cut into the cake. "Aww! It's a girl!" they both shouted. Everyone awed and applauded. "Have you given her a name yet?," Asked Sara's mom. "Yes, but we won't reveal that until she's born," Sarah said with a smile.


Sarah had entered her final trimester. She was on bed rest due to her being so big and so close to her due date. Just about every day, Sara would call and check on Sarah. "You need anything?," she would ask. "No, honey, I'm fine. Thanks for asking," Sarah would reply. "Ok, call me if you need anything," Sara would reply back. One day, Sarah was taking a nap when suddenly she began to ache in pain. She eventually woke up and as soon as she got up her water broke. "Oh no! I have to call Sara!" She frantically fumbled around on her phone and quickly called Sara. Sara was on her lunch break. She was finishing her salad when she heard her phone buzz. "Hey, babe! what's up?," she asked. "Honey, my water just broke! I need you to come get me!" Sara nearly choked while taking a sip of her water. "Oh my god! I'm on my way!" She threw her food away in the trash and quickly ran over to the dean's office to tell him what was happening. "That's fine, Sara! You better hurry! I'll find a sub for you!," the dean said. Sara jumped in her car and sped to her and Sarah's apartment. She fumbled with her keys before finally unlocking the door. "Sarah? Sarah? Where are you??," she asked sounding a bit scared. "I'm in here," said Sarah in a loud but weak voice. Sara walked back towards their bedroom. She then looked and saw Sarah sitting on the tub in their bathroom. "Oh my god, honey! We need to get you to the hospital! Are you having any contractions?," Sara asked. "Yea, they're about 2-3 minutes apart," Sarah said weakly. "Ok, baby. Let's go." Sara helped Sarah into their car. She made sure she grabbed the "when the baby comes" bag before she left. Sara and Sarah were quickly making their way to the hospital. Sarah had began to moan in pain. She had a single tear rolling on her cheek. "I know, baby. We're almost there," Sara said trying to soothe Sarah. Things were moving along until traffic started getting backed up. All of a sudden, Sara and Sarah were sitting in stand still traffic. It was moving slow and Sara knew she had to hurry.


Twenty minutes went by and Sara and Sarah were still sitting in stand still traffic. Sarah began to moan louder and cry even harder. "Oh god. It hurts," Sarah moaned. "I know, sweetie. I'm trying to get us out of this fucking traffic," Sara said angrily. Finally, traffic began to flow and Sara floored it to the hospital. When they arrived, Sara went in and got a nurse. The nurses quickly rushed Sarah to a delivery room, stripped her out of her clothes, put her in a gown and placed her on the bed. "Am I going to be able to get the epidural?," Sarah asked Sara. "I don't know, honey. It may be too late," Sara replied sounding worried. Dr. Phillips later came into the delivery room. "Hello, Sarah! How are you feeling?" "Terrible! It feels like seven sharks are attacking my vagina at once!," Sarah said angrily. Dr. Phillips tried not to laugh. She turned away and got herself together. "Ha, ok well let me see how dilated you are." Dr. Phillips checked and stood back. "Oh, you are ready to push." Sarah looked at Sara in horror. "I don't get any epidural??," Sarah asked sounding frantic. "It's a little bit too late for that honey," Dr. Phillips replied. Sarah started crying. Sara sat down next to her and kissed her hand. "It'll be ok, baby. You can get through this. Just breathe."


A few hours went by and Sarah was still pushing. "Push, Sarah! Push!," both Dr. Phillips and Sara were saying. "I AM FUCKING PUSHING!," Sarah shouted angrily. "Now, now, no need for the profanity," Dr. Phillips said calmly. Sara sat down in a chair next to Sarah and grabbed her hand. "Come on, honey! You can do this!" "No, I can't I just want her out!," Sarah said sounding tired. More and more hours of pushing went by and Sarah felt like giving up. It wasn't until 12 a.m. when finally they started to see some results. "I see the head!," Dr. Phillips said excited. "Come on, sweetie! One big push!," Sara said to Sarah. Sarah pushed with all of her might. She clutched and nearly broke Sara's hand. She screamed so loud, the people on the next floor could hear it. "There she is! Aww, isn't she precious?," Dr. Phillips said holding up the baby. Sarah was in tears. Sara was also crying. Dr. Phillips cut the umbilical cord and gave the baby to the nurse to get cleaned up. Sara called her mom and mother in law crying telling them that the baby had come. The nurse then came back and gave Sarah her new bundle of joy. Sarah couldn't stop staring at her new baby girl. "What do you want name her?," Sara asked after getting off the phone. Sarah looked into Sara's bright green eyes. "Sophie."

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