Love is Love

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Chapter 10


After their vacation in Hawaii, Sara and Sarah had started to jump on the baby bandwagon. Sara went and visited Dr. Phillips, who helped Sarah get pregnant with Sophie. She sat impatiently in the waiting room of the hospital. The ticks of the clock and the smell of plastic gloves and coffee were making Sara feel sick and really nervous. "Sara Littleton, Dr. Phillips is ready for you," the nurse said. "Finally," Sara mumbled under her breath. Dr. Phillips was still her happy go lucky self. Her bright hazel eyes had changed colors and turned to a hazy gray. Her long black hair had been chopped into a short pixie cut. "Hey, Sara! How are you? How's Sarah and little Sophie?," Dr. Phillips asked excited. "I'm fine, thanks! And Sarah and Soph are doing just great!," Sara replied. "Well that's great! What can I help you with today?," Dr. Phillips asked. Sara looked out the window. She then looked down at her hands and then back at Dr. Phillips. "Well, Dr. and Sarah want to have another baby," Sara stammered out. Dr. Phillips looked a little surprised. "Oh wow! Ok, I'll see what I can do for you!," she said a bit shocked. Dr. Phillips walked over to her computer and typed up something. She then walked back over to where Sara was sitting. "Ok, I've scheduled for you to come in so we can do a full exam. Then, if everything goes right, we will pick a donor and do the in-vitro. Your appointment will be next Thursday at 11:00 A.M.," Dr. Phillips said with a smile. Sara grinned a little. "Thanks, Dr. Phillips. I can't wait!" Sara hugged her and left. She later went home and told Sarah about what had happened. "Wow, honey. Everything is turning out just as we planned. We'll have our second little baby on its way in no time!," she said. Sarah kissed Sara then went to go lay Sophie in her toddler bed. Sara sat alone for a minute. She couldn't believe that she was doing this. She couldn't believe that this was actually happening.


Sara's alarm beeped really loudly. She slowly opened her eyes. She then rolled over and saw that Sarah was already gone to work. She got up and went into Sophie's room. She was already gone to daycare. She went into the bathroom in their bedroom and looked in the mirror. She pudged her stomach out a little. She then turned and looked at herself some more. She kept looking at her stomach. Trying to imagine how she would look pregnant. Today was the big day. Today was the day that Sara might be getting pregnant for the first time. Now she understands what Sarah had gone through with Sophie last year. Sara was very nervous. The thought of her doing this made her shaky. She later got dressed. She wore a red sweater, jeans, a black scarf and black boots. Her hair was curled and laid beautifully on her shoulders. As she was driving to St. Vincents, she could feel herself getting more and more nervous. She got out of her and Sarah's car and went into the hospital. She had cold chills going up her spine. She sat down in the chair in the waiting room. She gently fiddled with her wedding ring on her finger. She looked down at her phone. She got a text from Sarah. It read "Sorry I couldn't be there today to support you baby. But I love you and I hope the procedure goes well. I have faith in you." Sara started to tear up. She texted back "Thanks baby and I'm sure everything will be fine. I love you too." She put her phone in her purse and took a deep breath. "Sara Littleton, Dr. Phillips is ready for you," the nurse said. Sara wiped away the tears that had came out a little. "Everything will be fine," the nurse said trying to soothe Sara. She smiled and walked through the big metal doors towards Dr. Phillips' office.

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