Love is Love

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Chapter 9


A few weeks passed. Sarah was still not talking to Sara. Sara pretended that she didn't really care, but deep down inside it still bothered her a little. One night after Sara rocked Sophie to sleep, she got up and walked into their living room. She sat down next to Sarah who was curled up in a blanket watching tv. Sara put her hand on Sarah's arm. She didn't respond. She continued to watch tv. Sara looked over at the tv then back at Sarah. "Look, I know you're still mad at me over this "having another kid" thing but this has to stop. I know you want another baby but you have to think about how much we're going to have to change things around here. This apartment, for one, is way too small. Where would Sophie sleep? Where would we put the new babys' stuff along with Sophie's stuff? I mean the only way we could get through is to talk it out. And if you want to be childish and ignore me, then fine so be it," Sara said angrily. Sarah uncurled from the blanket. At first she had a scowl on her face, but it slowly went to sadness. She had tears in her eyes. She sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. I know I've been acting really bitchy for the past few weeks. It's just I really love you and I love our little family and I want Sophie to have a sibling so that they can be close. I didn't mean to ignore you, I just really wanted to do this," Sarah said sobbing. Sara got a little less angry. She hugged Sarah very tightly. She then began to sob with her. "It's ok, hun. I forgive you." The two laid on the couch for the remainders of the night.


The next few months were pretty progressive for Sara and Sarah. Sara lucked up and found a three bedroom apartment in a decent part of town. The apartment was also located not too far from their job. It was big and spacious and was perfect for the three of them. Sara and Sarah also got an eighty cent raise at their job. So now, they had extra money to do extra things. For Sophie's first birthday, they went all out. They threw her a huge party and she got lots and lots of presents. The week after Sophie's birthday, the three of them went on vacation to Hawaii. Sara and Sarah took lots of silly pictures and poses of Sophie and themselves. Pictures of them smiling, kissing. Pictures of Sara doing funny faces. They stayed in a 4 star hotel. The view was beautiful at night from their room. The moon would glisten upon the warm ocean waves. The sound of the trees and the caws of the birds made everything seem peaceful. One night, Sara and Sarah went out to a luau. The performers were dancing around in their tree skirts. The fire illuminating their soft brown skin. Sara was giving Sarah the same look she had always given her. The look of love. Sarah smiled and took a sip of her margarita. "You know, I've been thinking," Sara said. "Thinking about what?," Sarah asked in a confused voice. "Well, you know, having another kid," Sara said looking down. Sarah's face changed to a really excited look. "Really?? Well, what do you say? Should we?," She said super excited. "Yes. But this time, I'm gonna do it," Sara said grinning. "Yay!," Sarah said happily. She jumped up out of her seat and hugged and kissed Sara. The two later went back to their hotel and snuggled in bed with Sophie.

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