Love is Love

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Chapter 8


A week later, Sara's mom Becky came back to the city with Sophie. Sarah was overjoyed. When Becky came through the door with Sophie, Sarah ran and grabbed Sophie out of her car seat and started hugging her. "Hi baby! Momma missed you so much!!," Sarah said happily. She swung Sophie around in her arms and kissed her. Sophie just laughed and laughed. "Haha, well hello to you too!," Becky said. "Oh, sorry! I missed my baby girl so much! Did she have fun?," Sarah said a little apologetic. "Yes, she had quite an adventure! I'll be glad to take her off your hands anytime!," Becky said smiling. "That would be fine!," Sarah replied. Becky hugged Sarah and Sara, kissed Sophie on her cheek, and left their apartment. Sarah was filled with so much happiness, she couldn't contain herself. Her baby girl had finally come home, after what seemed like to her, a long trip. Sarah went to sleep peacefully that night listening to the sweet snores of Sophie laying in her crib.


Sara was sitting in her classroom one bright morning. Her class didn't start until 8 a.m. The sun was shining through the foggy windows giving off a shimmering effect. Sara looked down at her phone. It was a text from Sarah. It read "I have a question for you, sweetie." 'A question?' Sara thought. 'What does she mean?' Sara got up from behind her desk and walked down to Sarah's classroom. She was feeling nervous for some reason. She didn't know what Sarah had wanted to ask her. Was it something good? Was it something bad? She didn't know. Sarah was clearing off the whiteboard when she saw from her peripheral vision that Sara was standing at the door. "Oh hey, honey!," Sarah said gleefully to Sara. She walked over to her and kissed her. "Why are you so tense?," Sarah asked Sara. "I'm's just. I got your text. What did you want to talk about?" Sarah looked over at the window. She then looked back at Sara. She sighed. "Well, it's not a big deal or anything. Nothing too serious," she said giving Sara a tiny smirk. "Oh..ok. Then what is it?," Sara asked giving Sarah a confused look. Sarah took a deep breath. "I want to have another baby." Sara looked at Sarah even more confused. "Are you kidding me?!," Sara asked sounding angry. "I know, I know I'm rushing this a little but-" "Sarah, Sophie isn't even a year old yet! Why should we have another? Our apartment is too tiny for us to try and raise two babies!," Sara said shouting. "This is why I didn't want to ask you. I knew you would blow up like this. I'm sorry I even asked," Sarah said trying not to cry. Sara started to feel bad. She didn't mean to get so angry but the whole "having another kid" subject made her extremely angry. "Look, I'm sorry," Sara said trying to apologize. She tried to hug Sarah but Sarah quickly shrugged her off. Sara left the classroom feeling bad. For the rest of the day, Sarah didn't speak to her. When they were driving home, Sarah didn't look at Sara or tell her about her day. That night, Sarah slept on the couch and still didn't say not one word to Sara. Sara laid in bed next to the empty space of where Sarah usually had laid. She began to cry because she hated seeing Sarah mad at her.

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