Deadline's and depressions

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*Sammy's POV*

I was walking to Y/N's office to have a look at the new song she wrote. I couldn't deny that all day long, I'd been waiting for this moment. She hadn't come by my workplace at all today. Unlike yesterday. Perhaps something just came along. I, of all people, should know how stressful work could be. Humming a tune, I stepped into the hallway. The tune was soon to die off. As I scooted near, I heard soft whimpers come from her office door. I listened in closely, not believing what I heard. There it was again! After a deep breath, I slightly knocked. "Who's... Who's there?..." That voice... She sounded broken... My angelic composer had never been this sad. I began to get concerned and answered: "It's me, Sammy."

Silence sounded. Just a moment. "Co... Come in..." I opened the door, just to be met with darkness. Strange, usually her office always was lit up. I found my way to the desk and used the lit the oil lamp she always had standing there. Finally, I could at least look around and I was shocked by what I saw! Music papers were littered around the floor and the desk was a complete mess! It looked as if a bull had stormed the place! "Y/N? Oh..." He had found her right after asking. The queen of music herself sat in the corner opposite the door, arms around her knees and head in her legs. On her left, a paper was laying on the ground. A sketch for a song, guessing by the notes. The title was 'Angel of her word'.

I walked at her and sat next to her, making her momentarily stop her weeping. "Hey... What's going on?.." She looked up, tears in her eyes. Those eyes. They were rid of their usual starry gleam. As I pulled her close, she finally snapped: "It won't work out! It simply won't! I tried everything I could come up with, but nothing works and I have to get it done in half an hour! HOW in the name of HEAVEN am I supposed to do so?!" She started crying, which I couldn't stand. I laid an arm around her shoulders and brought her in closer.

This was something I remembered from myself. I had a deadline. Couldn't handle the pressure. Sat at my desk, head in my hands, not knowing how I could ever face Joey without embarrassing myself! It took over all of my mind and I couldn't even concentrate on the song I was writing, 'Old and New days'. All of the things I came up with just didn't fit. It was horrifying to realize. Eventually, it was far past the deadline when I finished and eventually I just walked up and faced him. That did go pretty well, but I wouldn't guess he'll go easy on poor Y/N. I wouldn't let him pulverize my beauty to smithereens, not for the life of-.

"Sammy..?" Those two gorgeous (E/C) eyes looked at me. I smiled to myself. Never would those orbs seize to enchant me. Finally, I asked: "What is it, Y/N?" "Do you... Do you want to walk me... to Joey's office..?" My eyes widened in unattainable surprise. She actually wanted to go there. By herself. Who knows what Joey would do to her! "Please, don't go there yet! I can help you with the song." I reached for the music papers and looked at them. Just what I thought. They were perfect so far.

I frowned: "Want me to suggest something?" She looked up, a spark of hope in her eyes, and nodded. "How about you change the last two words of the last sentence, so you can rhyme on them easier?" Her lower jaw dropped down and she looked at me with stars in her eyes: "That's it!" She grabbed the papers from my hand, pulled out a fountain pen, and started scribbling things down. "If I change these words, then take this sentence, change it a little, put that one here, and... done!" She showed me the full paper and I couldn't believe my eyes. It truly was perfect like I saw it right now. Of course, Y/N can compose like an angel, but still!

"Let's go to Joey's office. He'll probably want to see it." She nodded happily and followed me.

*Y/N's POV*

We arrived at Joey's office. Sammy motioned for me to knock and I took a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing...' Knock, knock, knock. "Come in!" The music director nodded at me and I entered. Joey was sitting behind his desk and his face lit up when he saw me enter: "Well, hello Y/N! Did you come to hand in the music papers?" "Yes. Yes, I did," I answered, laying my papers down on his desk. He took a look at them, his face now emotionless. For a moment, my breath stopped...

Then he gave them back: "Good job, I'll take the cartoons to the music hall. Would you mind to go there and study the song?" It sounded more like a demand than a question. I just nodded and walked out. Sammy looked at me questioning and I answered: "Joey wants me to practice in the music hall, wanna come?" "Ok, I need some exercise as well, after all." He followed me, our footsteps sounding hollow at the oak wooden floor.

As we entered, Sammy turned on the lights and I walked to the old piano in a corner of the room. I took a seat on the dark oak wooden stool and looked at the keys. After a short while of thinking, I decided to first play the cords of 'Sheep Sheep'. I played and hummed along. When I stopped, Sammy smiled: "Nice to hear an old song of mine." He, in turn, started to play 'Thief in the Spotlight', one of my older songs. I smiled to myself and watched him play. The way his feet tapped along with the rhythm, the way his blonde locks waved with every move he made. It completely mesmerized me. The concentrated frown on his face most certainly added up to that.

"Hiya Y/N!" "We're here!" I got shot out of my trance, shook my head in confusion, and looked towards the doorway. Bendy, Boris, and Alice were watching me. Bendy smirked at me in a way I didn't trust. Did he notice? Had Alice told him? Sammy stopped playing and looked at the trio as well. Alice smiled: "Well.. where do we begin?" "Bendy, you can take one of the microphones, Alice can as well. Boris, you can play either banjo or trombone, your choice." I handed them the script, so they could have a look. "Don't you need one as well?" "No need. Sammy and I know the cords by hard." Alice smiled and we took our places.

(Timeskip by GameJournalist sleeping for about 3 hours)

We finished the song and Boris left to discuss something with Joey. Bendy walked at Sammy and took him somewhere else, saying 'he wanted to see the new music he wrote' and Alice was left with me. She looked at me with that look in her eyes and before she even spoke, I said: "Yes, I stared. What's wrong with that?" She busted into laughter: "I swear, you're so desperate, it's just funny to see!" I chuckled and said: "Maybe I am, what about it?" "Nothing, it's just Bendy shipping the two of you together, and... maybe I do as well..."

"Wait, he does?" "Yea, he thinks you and Sammy are the perfect couple. Both musicians, both more quiet types and both very good at your work!" I smiled to myself. That seemed true, but my anxiety forbade me to say it to him. I was afraid it would get out of hand, I would say something wrong and mess everything up! I sighed: "Never knew love could be so complicated..." Alice smiled and sat next to me: "You're struggling to trust yourself, aren't you..?" I nodded and looked at her: "Pathetic, hm..?" "No, actually. I had the same struggles when I thought about telling Bendy. In the end, I managed to gather all my courage and step up to him and look where I am now!" My eyes widened, as the realization hit me: "Of course! I just have to be myself!"

"See? Just be yourself! He loves YOU!" I smiled and hugged her. "Alice? Can you come for a sec?" "Sure! See you around, Y/N!" Alice walked away with Bendy, leaving me in the music room. I sat behind the piano and started playing 'Angel of her word'. Through the whole song, I felt eyes on me. At its end? I heard someone clapping...

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