Chapter 4.4; To fight a Friend

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I was shocked. We were too late. That damned Angel had turned Boris into a monster. "Oh no no no, what has she done to you?" Henry asked, though he knew the once happy and lively wolf would not answer. He was a cartoon animal, after all. And a very buffed one at that. We watched in fear as he picked the cart up from the rails and threw it across the room. It shattered to pieces by contact with the wall and threw us to the ground with the impact.

My vision went blurry as Alice laughed over the intercom: "Ahahaha! Meet the new and improved Boris!" He ran at us, destroying anything in its path like it were a piece of dust. We jumped aside and the monstrous wolf stood there for a while, before turning to face us and charging for another run. I saw by the look on his face, Henry did not want to fight him. I didn't either. He was a friend. Maybe extremely changed and buffed, but he was still a friend. And I wouldn't dare fight a friend.

The wolf ran at us again and I inspected the room. I needed ink to power up my Gift. Where was the damned ink?! Nowhere to find! I kept dodging the runs and searched behind the boxes, but to no avail. In a panicked state, I searched the roof for a leak. Nowhere to find either. Just my luck. Wanting to give up right there, a black-ish gleam caught my eye. In the corner of my vision I saw the one thing that could maybe save us. I held up my hand and snapped my fingers. Time seemed to slow as Alice spatted: "(Y/N), will you do me a favor and not ruin the show for your guardian Angel?" "Sorry Alice, but I beg to decline." The ink circled around my right hand and formed a pencil underneath it. My eyes turned a light shade of (f/c) and I growled:
'Boris! I know you're still there somewhere, meaning I will not fight you! Neither will Henry! You must understand!'

Henry looked at me with a look of confusion. I was talking the language of the cartoons fluently. She had done this before, while practicing her Gift with him and Bendy. Boris seemed to finally remember who he was up against. His eyes softened and he barked something back:
'I don't want to fight you, (Nickname). You have done nothing to hurt me or any of the cartoons. But the Angel is my mastress now. I have no choice but to do her bidding. I'm sorry...'

And with that, he ran at us again. I immediately went into defense and screeched. Right after, an inky ball formed around us. Boris slammed into it and fell back. He looked at us in confusion, as he bled. At the same time, a blob of ink fell out of his chestpit. As soon as Boris got up again, Henry ran for the little thing and grabbed it, after which we went for the crafting machine. I dragged up another shield, while Henry put in the blob and selected the pipe. The machine started rumbling and, after a bit, the weapon rolled right into his hand. I brought the shield back down and we readied ourselves. This would be a fierce battle.

After a lot of attacks and dodges, Boris fell on one knee. I looked at him, while I was bleeding and had cuts of the destroyed boxes. Henry looked at me, which caught my eye. I looked back at him and remembered what was going on. We had no choice. The only way to free him from his bond with the Angel... was to kill him. I fell down in tears, letting down my guard. I heard Henry scream and quickly turned around to face Boris, who was now less than a metre away. He got a fist up and charged a punch. Then I heard a familiar roar. I looked up and my eyes widened. The walls started showing signs of the arrival of Alice's partner in crime and rival. Then I fully realized something.

I hadn't taken the hit.

Sammy slammed the axe into Boris' arm, of whom the fist was right in his chest. Alice screamed in anger and the impact of Boris' punch sent Sammy into my arms. I gasped in awe and surprise. My music maestro had caught a hit meant for me. He looked up with a crooked smile: "Hello, my sheep. We meet a tad earlier then I expected."

Despite the pretty bad circumstances, I smiled at his goofiness. It was cute in a way. At least, in my opinion. I remember the old days when that goofiness made my day. "Welcome back, my shepherd. Perfect timing!" I winked. He chuckled and readied the axe, swinging it at Boris, who took the hit and roared angrily. Sammy growled and got out of my arms, running at the wolf.


Henry looked at me and the inky music maestro regretfully, as the wolf I once knew deformed into an ink puddle. My eyes finally became (e/c) again and I sighed. Then I heard floorboards rapidly creak. Immediately rocketing around, I saw deformed Alice run at us. Sammy stepped in front of me defensively and whispered: "Run to where you entered the room." I wanted to know why he said that, but he brushed it off: "I need to show you something. Now, do it please." I gave him a soft nod and in a split second, I ran. Alice noticed and screamed for me to stop. I didn't. The Angel wanted to chase me, but froze in place. An inky river declined her access to where I was standing. The ink darkened in the spaces where the river emitted and the writing product was flowing so quick that most people stepping in would get sucked down.
Bendy was behind me. I could feel he was there, though not visible. I didn't know what to do and looked to Sammy for advice: "He sees you as vulnerable. Too easy prey for Her." I smiled nervously and nodded. 'Wait a second...'

Bendy was sad. Joey had screamed at him once again. He was so done with the Creator. And with the whole studio. All he truly just wanted to do was dance like he wanted. He was not allowed to. He always had to follow the choreo's that were made for him. He sobbed and thought of what happened. "Bendy..?! What's wrong with my devilish buddy..?!" The voice of the young woman startled the Dancing Demon. He looked up into (Y/N)'s concerned eyes and whispered: "Please don't tell Joey I'm here..." The others always told him of the Demon's whereabouts, causing Joey to be able to find him any moment. But to his surprise, (Y/N) smiled: "I won't... now what's going on..?" He had told her. And she stood up, after which she spoke a question of three words. Just three words.

I called out, surprising both the Demon and his prophet. My eyes where in the form where I was using the Inked Gift.
"What is it, (Nickname)?" he replied curiously, rising from the river like it was nothing. Of course, he was a Demon of ink, so it's a piece of cake for him to do such things. He swiftly stepped out of it and, shaking nervously, I had spoken three words. Three words I had spoken long ago. "C-care to d-d-dance..?"

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