The moment of truth

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*Y/N's POV*

I ran into the hospital and asked, almost out of breath: "I am searching... Huff... for mister L/N..." The nurse behind the desk answered: "Mister L/N? He's in room 418. They are currently looking at him, so you can't go in yet..." I smiled: "Okay... Puff... I'll wait, then..." She nodded and I went to search for the room. 409... 410... 411... 412... Oh, I hope he's alright... Ok, Y/N, concentrate... 416... 417... Here it is. Room 418. I sat down and caught my breath again. Please, tell me he'll be alright. "Y/N!" "Can you go in yet?!" I looked up surprised, only to see Henry and Sammy standing next to the door. "No... I hope he's doing alright..." Henry sat down next to me and smiled: "Worst case scenario, you still have us." "Yea, we'll be here for you." Sammy nodded. I gave them both a warm smile: "Thank you, guys. I'm glad to have you here with me." "Miss L/N..?" A nurse was standing in the doorway, a nervous and disappointed look in her eyes. I stood up and nodded. Sammy grabbed my hand, making my face color a light shade of pink. "I have bad news." I looked at the ground in defeat and sobbed: "He's not going to make it, is he?" The nurse looked at me and, to my surprise, shook her head: "He's badly wounded, but there is still a chance of survival for him." I looked up, my jaw open wide. There was hope. He was able to make it. "How big is that chance?" "Five out of a hundred. We are doing the best we can. For now, you can't see him yet." I gave her a weak smile: "I'll leave, then. The best of luck to all of you." The nurse nodded and I, Sammy, and Henry walked off.

When we arrived at my car, I finally broke down. Sammy hugged me and rubbed my back in circular motions. I cried into his chest. My father would have a tiny chance of survival. If I lose him, I lose half of my confidence and my world! I remembered all the times he was there for me, the times he would be my savior or just a listening ear. The times all I need was a hug and he gave me one. "Shh... It's okay, Y/N... Calm down..." Sammy whispered. "It'll be okay..." I stopped crying and faintly smiled up at him: "Thank you, Sammy." Henry smiled: "You can stay at my place if you want. I can also drive you to the workshop." "That seems like the best idea since I lived with my father," I answered, smiling at the animator as I did. "Well then, see you guys at the workshop," Sammy said. I turned to walk away, but his whisper made me seize my movements: "Stay safe, my wallflower..." Wallflower, one of the nicknames he used to give me since I was quite shy. We got into the car and drove to the workshop. When we arrived, Sammy stepped out of the car and said: "I'll tell Joey you're taking the day off." I nodded and switched seats with Henry, so he could drive us to his house. We arrived at the house and Henry showed me around, ending with my room. I smiled. I bet I could get comfortable here.

That was now 5 years ago. Henry and (Y/N) had never talked about that faithful day again and continued with their lives. (Y/N) has her first experiences with the Inked Gift and spends most of her time composing music with Sammy. Until that call... That one call that changed it all...

*Sammy's POV*
I walked through the halls of the department when I suddenly heard a phone go off. I followed the sound and saw a mobile with an (F/C) protection case. I picked it up and saw an unknown number, so I answered: "Hello?" "Hello, this is nurse Madelyn. Am I speaking to (Y/N) (L/N)?" "No, this is Sammy Lawrence, one of (Y/N)'s co-workers. Give me a moment, I'll get her over." I walked away and, after a while, I found her chatting with Alice in the music hall. I handed her the mobile and said: "Nurse Madelyn, from the hospital." She nodded with a small smile and held the phone to her ear: "Hello, this is (Y/N) (L/N). Yes. Yes. Indeed, he's my father." She listened to the phone for a while, her facial expression slowly changing from happy to shocked. "What..? He is..? Ok... Thank you... Goodbye..." She ended the call and looked from me to Alice and back to me. "He didn't survive..." she whispered, with a voice trembling with sadness and disbelief. I walked at her and hugged her. "I'm so sorry to hear, (Y/N)... I'm so sorry..." She started crying and I held her close, doing my best not to shed a tear myself. I had to be there for her, just like Henry. Speak of the devil. "Hey, Sa- Oh my... Please don't tell me..." (Y/N) looked up, the tears in her eyes, with a nod. Henry stood there, frozen. Then he joined the hug as well. We stood there for a while. Then (Y/N) stuttered: "I... I don't t-think I c-can work here any l-longer..." I looked up in shock and surprise, but Henry said: "I'm with you. Let's go." She smiled at me: "Something tells me our paths will cross once again..." and I nodded. I really hope so...

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