The Inked Gift

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*Y/N's POV*

I looked at the source of the clapping and saw someone standing in the shadows close to the door. A spot behind my ears started cooling down rapidly, but I chose to ignore it: "Who are you?! Show yourself!" A laugh could be heard as Joey stepped out of the shadows. I smiled at him, shortly feeling relieved, but soon knew something was going on.

He took a step forward. And another. And another. He walked at me and all of the color drained from my face. "What... What are you doing to me?!" "Oh Y/N... Just a little test, that's all..." Suddenly I heard a splash and before I knew it, I got hit in the back of the head. I felt my legs give way as I dropped to the floor. Then everything went black.

*Joey's POV*

I watched Y/N fall to the floor and when I was sure she was unconscious, I picked her up and dragged her upstairs, to the machine. I dropped her beneath the ink output and walked to the management-panel. Putting everything in order, I turned on the machine. It started to rumble and ink shot out, as I watched Y/N get covered in it.

Suddenly the ink just washed off her body, as she started floating upwards. I took a step back, thanks to the heat, and closely held an eye on her. Two pitch-black wings and a demon tail sprouted on her back and the rest of the ink floated around her hands. For a moment, she looked like a goddess, which in a certain way, she was.

Then, the ink fell and she floated to the ground again, invisible currents zipping through her body. I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. I had found the second person. I found the second wielder of my Gift. She was laying peacefully, not aware at all, of what I had done to her.

After a little while, when I was sure she wasn't waking, I walked up to her and picked her up. However, when I turned around, my eyes met a pair of blue ones. Sammy looked at me disappointed: "Why, Joey... Why did you let her go through this pain..." "You wanna be next?" I snapped at him, not caring about how it made me look. The only thing I cared about was that everything was going accordingly.

Soon, my plan would be ready for action. Soon. Not just yet.
Too many things still to be done.
With this maestro in front of me, for an instance...

The music director took a step back: "That's not what I meant! But... Why Y/N..?" I sighed: "You don't know how long I searched for the only one, despite me, having the ability to use the Inked Gift... You don't know how many experiments have gone before this one... Drag her back to the music hall and answer no question..." He hesitated and my left eye started glowing the color of wood again: "Was I not clear, Samuel? Take her to the Music Department right now!" He nodded and took over her body. I watched him leave. Finally, I've found the one I need to erase.

*Sammy's POV*

I noticed Y/N slowly waking up when I had just laid her down. Phew, she was conscious again. She looked up at me: "S-Sammy... What in h-heaven's name just h-happened..?" "Joey... He used the machine on you..." "Wait, he did what?!" She was panicking, I saw it in her face. Immediately, I regretted my words. Although, I had to tell her... "He laid you at the output of the machine and turned it on... You know Joey has this... gift... right?" I explained. She nodded: "Yeah, but what do I have to do with that?" "Well, there are two people in all of the world having the gift Joey has... He spent years and years searching for the second person... And he finally found that person..."

The eyes of my only true companion in this studio widened: "You don't mean to say what I think... right..?" "Yes... You are the second person, Y/N..." She first looked at her hands, then she looked me in the eyes. I saw the fear and the anxiety in those (e/c) orbs. It made me worried. Joey might have wanted to find the second gifted person... but had he ever, for a second, thought about how Y/N would feel..? I laid an arm around her waist and pulled her into a hug. Suddenly a phone interrupted us. Y/N pulled hers from her trousers and brought it to her ear: "Y/N L/N, how can I help you? Oh, hi mom! What is it? What?! Okay, I'm picking you up in 2 minutes!"

She ended the call and looked at me frightened: "I have to go. Dad had a car accident and he's in the hospital!" "Go. I won't tell Joey where you've gone." She stood up and ran out of the hall. I watched her pass the corner and sighed in discontent. Poor Y/N didn't deserve any of this bullshit... Oh, my lord Bendy bless her...

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