Chapter 3.2; Trapped in the Angel's domain

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*Your POV*

As I woke up, I looked around nervously. Where am I? Where's Henry?! Did we really find Boris?!?! It was then I noticed I was standing in front of a window of some sort. It seemed to have been broken and through it, I saw...
Alice's changing room?

How did I get here? Last thing I remembered was fainting after Boris appeared from his hiding spot... Which was quite far from this place... As I stood, well, tried to stand up, a severe pain took hold of my right leg. "What the..?" Looking down, I saw a red spot colouring my jeans. I huffed and sat down again, rolling up my jeans to reveal the cut. It didn't seem that deep, probably fixable.

As I laid my hand on the wound, a deep concentration took hold of me. In response, a bulb of the black substance pulled itself loose from the ground and hesitantly floated over. I felt myself biting my tongue, as my subconsciousness travelled to the core of the writing product, disposing of everything, until only the water was left. Slightly splashing it on the wound, I tried to ignore the stinging sensation... And something, no, someone seemed to help me with exactly that...

The black puddle of ink, swirling and swaying. The walls, covered in it too. All hints to the arrival of none other than the Dancing Demon himself. I recognized them and shrunk to the ground. Although, according to Sammy, Bendy saw me as a 'friend', I was still perfectly aware of the fact that he could kill me right on the spot. Point was, I didn't want to hurt him. Beams of ink floated upwards and after a little while, the Demon looked down at me. I looked back up, leaning my back against the wall for comfort. His signature smile coloured his face. He stood there. Simply sniffing the air. Then squatted down to face me, head tilted in an inspecting manner, as I tried to bring out anything. "B-Bendy... I'm sorry I-..."

However, I soon found myself silenced by a gloved finger, carefully put over my mouth. Then the finger moved away and the creature brought out his full hand, motioning me to take it. Not wanting to piss him off, I took it and he pulled me to my feet. There we stood, facing each other. Then Bendy spoke... his voice soft and gravely... "Don't trust... the Angel... Sammy wants... you safe..." I looked up at him. He looked back at me. Thoughts raced each other in my mind. Bendy was helping me?! Could I trust him?!

Seems like my decision had already been made, as I heard another voice. This feminine sound came closer by the second and seemed a lot like distorted humming. Bendy looked up, his smile seemingly dropping a bit. The humming got closer and he spoke again... in a hushed voice this time: "So I'll be... keeping an eye... on you..." Footsteps sounded in the hall to my right. Bendy silently walked back to the puddle he came from, as the ink devoured him again.

Still not entirely sure of whether to trust the situation, I turned to my right, as the door opened. I stood up and gathered a circle of ink around my hand, ready for what was to come. As I expected, Alice walked in. However, she had indeed changed a lot. Half of her face was as it was supposed to be, the other half was a molten mess.

She saw me and smiled: "Why hello, Y/N." I frowned: "Hello, Alice..." She pouted: "Haven't you missed me? You seem pretty mad at my appearance." "Oh, I want answers, that's all..." She sighed and shook her head smirking. "Answers I can't give, dear." I kept the ink circling around my hand, as Alice noticed. Her face turned white and she took a few steps back. The sudden surprise and uncertainty in her eyes couldn't be clearer.

Then, everything went fast. The door behind us almost flew out of it's hinges, as Henry and Boris ran in. Both had a pipe to defend themselves, whereas I had my Gift. Alice knew she was outnumbered and dissapeared with a bang after which Henry bolted at me.

*Henry's POV*

Me and Boris were surveying through a hall, when we heard voices on the other side of the door. One I immediately recognized. I motioned Boris and counted down. At 0, we ran in. Y/N and Alice looked up. The Angel immediately knew she was outnumbered and dissapeared. I ran at Y/N: "Are you alright, Y/N?" She smiled and nodded, letting the ink she was holding fall. Then she hugged me. Boris soon joined in and we just stood there for a while. Then we pulled away. "Let's go. There should be a lift in here as well." Y/N said. We nodded and followed her through the door.


As we stood in the lift, going upwards, I heard Alice... sob..? I looked around concerned, then she spoke: "Did you really think I'd let you steal from me?! Did you really think I'd just let you go?! No, Henry and Y/N! I know who you are! And I know why you're here! Now come down and bring me back my Boris!" Suddenly Y/N's eyes turned F/C again, as she screamed: "NEVER!!" She sprouted her wings and flew up, hitting the top of the falling lift, slowing it down a great deal. Me and Boris cheered, but Alice screamed: "No! Stop! What are you doing?!" The composer didn't stop, however. Then, Alice laughed: "You know? Do what you want! You can't bring it up! Ahahahahaa!!!" She was right. Even though Y/N took deep, steady breaths, she didn't have enough power to bring the lift up. Defeated, she slowly brought it down, careful not to hurt me or Boris. Then something hit her, through the gates! She fell to the ground and I prepared. The impact sent us flying into the hallway. Seemingly, Y/N had caught her balance. I, however, was less lucky. Last thing I saw was Y/N fighting some kind of abyss and Boris getting taken. We'd lost him...

(This is getting intense! I really start getting the hang of this... Next chappie will contain Sammy again! And this time, he seems to get what he wants...)

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