Chapter 4.3; Remembrance..?

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*Your POV*
As we walked through the last door, the smell of ink got even stronger than it already was. Moving through the hallway, the first thing that caught my eye was a memorable poster.

'What are you drawing, Henry?' The animator looked up at his fellow colleague and smiled: 'Hey, Y/N. This is a new idea I'm working on. It's called 'Train Trouble'.' The music composer whistled a train tune and they laughed. 'What's it about, anyways? Bendy stoppin' a train?' Y/N asked, curious to what the old animator had come up with. According to her, Joey's old friend was the man for the job when it came to animations. Many of his fellow workers had told him about his wonders, even though he refused to admit that his work overthrew that of mister Drew. He smiled at her curiosity and answered: 'Bendy is actually the one driving the train. He and his friends wanted to see the world, so the dancing demon stole the vehicle which was stolen by the Butcher Gang. After that, they passed a lot of destinations, before becoming homesick and returning to the studio.' Y/N liked the idea a lot and told him she would love to work out a background song for the idea. And again, the two parted ways.

"Let's move on, (Y/N). Every second we spent is a second too late to save Boris." I looked up, pouting in dissapointment, as we continued. Then, I saw a glow in the with ink overflown hall. "Oh my Lord... (Y/N), stay out of the light and follow me..." Together, we snuck down the stairs and into the black substance. It felt just like in the hallway where we saw Sammy for the first time. Sticky and cold. Wading through, I kept a close eye on Henry and what he liked to call 'the Projectionist'. He flipped the first switch and, startled by the sound, I flopped face-first into the ink. The cold slowly got a painful sensation as I struggled to get back up, which I could seemingly not. I heard Henry's footsteps, followed by which I presumed were his pursuants. They sounded far away, as if from another world. Panicking, I remembered the ink being able to 'claim' you.
If I were to drown here, I would never leave again. Struggling even more, I used most of the tricks in my book to try and get free. But to no prevail. My grip on reality faded and I slowly gave up.
Then I felt the pain change to just a tingling sensation. Two slightly muscular arms, dripping with ink, lifted me up. Bendy was the first one I thought of, as my muscles tensed. Then my saviour pulled me close, making my head rest against his chest. I looked at the familiar splattered and old-tinted jumpsuit and sighed in relief.

My music maestro had come to help me out.
Bless his Lord he had come.

In the shade of one of the corners of the hall, Samuel Lawrence put me down on a box and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. Next, he went back into the ink, as I soundlessly pleaded for him to stay save. He had to.

*Sammy's POV*
I made my way through the blissfully cold ink. Norman was nowhere to be seen. No sign of Henry either. Oh well, it was quite dark, so I couldn't see as clear as usual. As I thought that, the lights went on again. I saw the ink on the walls quickly dry out and smiled. Lucky me, having gained some kind of affection from my Lord. But no time to waste. I noticed Henry coming downstairs. He saw me and immediately grabbed his axe. I shushed him in an instant: "It's me... I'm here to help... for her sake..." The animator hesitated. Then his grip on the weapon loosened. "You still feel the same about her, don't you..?" I nodded with a sly smirk: "And it sure does seem like a two-way thing..." He rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his face, while we took off to the entrance where I had left (Nickname)

We were there.
She was not.
My face turned pale-grey.
Then we saw her.
(Y/N) ran from the Projectionist chasing her. She passed us and mouthed a silent plea for help. That was enough to make me go berserk. Nobody in this workshop will touch my girl unpunished.

I lunged at Norman's throat, taking him by surprise, as he fell to the ground. He started rapidly dodging punches over and over again, anywhere he could. I was blinded by anger. He didn't know what happened. Then... He sunk even further to the ground and dissapeared between the inky floorboards. I got up. Henry, (Y/N) and me looked at one another concerned. "I need to go." I spoke. "Ok, see y-." I had dissapeared into a wall before my love could end her sentence and floated to the other side. Back to my lair.
I'll see you as soon as you'll need me, wallflower...

*Henry's POV*
With my mind almost completely fixated on saving dear Boris, I almost failed to concentrate on Samuel and (Y/N). She had given the inky prison of her music maestro a chance. He had in turn gratefully taken it, as if it were a miracle. As if she was a miracle. Which, well, she kind of is, thanks to that Gift. But let's not dwell on that matter for too long. We retreated back to the 'Bendy Hell' and I flipped the last switch, watching as an amusement ride was revealed. These were not my thing. However, (Y/N) swiftly got in and called out to me: "Are you coming, fluffy grandpa?" I facepalmed with a smile and nodded, before joining her in the cart.

And, as soon as we sat, Alice's voice chimed through the hanging speakers: "And now the ride truly begins, Henry! I've also taken into account that our second best composer has yet again joined you. Let's give her a proper welcome back, shall we?" I could simply feel (Y/N)'s alert gaze scan the environment, as the vehicle started moving. We shared the thought of not trusting the Angel. However, we stayed seated and observed the situation silently. (Y/N) wasn't mad, something that subconsciously surprised me. She had gone through quite a lot since we left my place after all. Despite it all, she did not seem angry at all. She seemed a little... sad. My fellow worker caught me looking and asked: "Are you alright, Henry?" "Ask yourself." I responded concerned. "Usually you aren't so..." I didn't have time to end my sentence, for Alice reminded us of her continuous presence: "Henry... Why are you here..? And (Y/N)..." She looked up, a gaze of grief and regret in her eyes. A moment of silence reigned, as the two of us heard nothing but a quiet gasp. Then... Alice spoke again... sounding surprised and unbelieving... "You have never forgotten.. have you..? You were never truly willing to give us up..." She nodded. Both sides were silent. Henry could simply not win the Angel's trust. He hoped (Y/N) was able to help and so she seemed. They needed the fallen Angel to remember the heavenly music composer. At the moment, Alice seemed to. Sadly, the moment did not last quite like they hoped. Alice soon turned back to her psycho state: "You... Henry wants you to trick me, doesn't he..? Well, if you think you can beat an angel unpunished... Hang on tight... I've got a surprise..!" They entered a big chamber, with an organ playing in the back. Pictures of what almost seemed ruined fairytales coloured the walls and lots of boxes splattered the flooring. What caught my eye was the crafting machine next to where we came from. These things were used to craft cogs, cups, plushes and more. Sure helpful in battle... Then, the doors opened to reveal...

Lasting, pulsing, nerve-wracking black. We entered and saw the track curve down and break. Although, before we made the drop, two buffed arms grabbed the cart. My eyes slowly widened as he came into view. (Y/N) tried not to scream.


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