Chapter 4 - Sun Rise

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Sapphron was not sure where the idea came from but it slipped her lips before she was able to ponder further

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Sapphron was not sure where the idea came from but it slipped her lips before she was able to ponder further. Loki was just as shocked as her. Loki said nothing and Sapphron took it as consent. "I will be back tomorrow with books." Sapphron bit her lip, an excited smile creeping onto her lips.

   Sapphron left the dungeons and headed to go eat dinner. She had completely missed the gathering for dinner which did not trouble the girl as that would be very intimidating to her. A servant led her to the kitchen where another one made her a grilled sandwich of sorts. "Thank you." She smiled warmly at the man before exiting towards her chambers. She was beginning to gain a sense for the layout of the castle, at least the important parts that is. She was wondering why she has been in the palace and still has not met the King. She was sure he was a very busy man, far too busy to be pestering with a child such as herself.

  When Sapphron entered her grand bed room, she breathed in, taking in the full beauty of her scenery. She sat down at a golden and white wooden desk to eat. The flavours of her sandwich were vibrant, unlike the food she was accustomed to back at her home. Sapphron could not help but moan in content. Even though Sapphron had the rest of the night free before she was obligated to return to prince Loki, she found herself spending most of the night thinking about the God. She pulled out her note book and golden pen and placed it down on the white painted wood. The silvered girl began writing everything she could about her encounter with the prince. She wrote pages and pages of the memories she went through, a pull of guilt hitting her as she remembered his harsh words about her invading his mind. She wrote of his reactions and actions, every detail she could until the crystal eyes grew dreary, her eyelids feeling as if they were pulled down by weights. She yawned in exhaustion, her golden pen falling from her hands. Sapphron wished to continue writing about the man she could not scrape from her mind, but sleep neared her. She was no longer able to hold off the unconsciousness approaching her. To avoid injury, Sapphron decided it would be best to go into her bed to sleep. She laid  in the grand bed, it's comfort immediately consuming her into a deep unconscious.


  Sapphron woke just as the sun began to rise. Warm colors of pink, orange and yellow peered into her room through the golden drapes. Sapphron yawned and stretched her body out similarly to a feline. She sat up slowly, careful to adjust to the change in air pressure. Once her mind was ready to move her body, she stood up and headed towards her washroom, attached to her bedroom. She began to wash her Snow White locks in her own bath, pulling any knots out of her soften curls. Once finished, Sapphron slipped over to her closet, pulling out another beautiful strawberry colored gown. She eyed it questioningly. When she put the garment on however, she was quite content with her appearance.

Sapphron knew her duties, she did not ever forget them. She grabbed not only her journal and pen, but also a novel on the Midgardian fairy tales, one of her favorite works of literature. She headed immediately to the kitchen, the same young cook there from the previous night. "Hello, May I have some breakfast please." She asked politely knowing  her manners were not required. "Yes my lady, to go as well?" The blonde man raised a suggestive eyebrow at the porcelain girl infront of him. Sapphron could not help but blush and gently nod her head. Within minutes, the cook handed her a container full of fruits, cheeses and meat. "Thank you." Sapphron smiled once more before taking her food and departing towards the dungeon.

Sapphron no longer required the aid of servants to lead her to the dungeon. She had to travel slightly outside the palace but it was not a lengthy journey for her. Sapphron enjoyed being in the sun and fresh air. Many Asgardians passed her, eyeing her curiously. Her work was very secretive to the public. Sapphron was not told out right to keep her journey a secret but she had figured as much. "Good morning." Sapphron unaffected by the wondering glances smiled at the head guard as she approached the doors of the dungeon. "Right this way my lady." Was all the metaled man could say. He led her through the deep tunnels of the dungeon. As expected, her presence caused the other prisoners to become quite rowdy and loud. They hollered provocative things at Sapphron. Internally she was uncomfortable, however externally she was cold as rock, extremely careful to show no weakness. Sapphron walked on, mapping the way, as the prisoners yelled to her. Finally the frequency of cells lowered as they neared the fallen prince's cell. Once near, Sapphron ushered the guard to leave. The armoured man gave her a concerned look, lingering for a little while longer, before hurrying off into darkness. With every other being out of sight, Sapphron was once again alone with the monster, who was so beautiful to Sapphron, she could never see him as such.

"My prince." Sapphron warmly greeted the trickster who was sitting on the floor, his green eyes starring into the abyss. Loki was once again unaccustomed to being referred to with such respect. They all had called him a monster, a murderer, god of evil. No one referred to him as his majesty nor my prince. He refused to acknowledge the girl before him, the prince's stubbornness getting the best of him. "I kept my word, I have brought a book to read you." Sapphron smiled enthusiastically, finally catching the prince's gaze. His emerald eyes searched into her opal ones. For a moment she was able to see his true softness causing her to relax her face. As if he noticed her reaction, his expression hardened. "Leave me child, I do not wish to be bothered with your juvenile works of literature." Loki hissed to disguise the fact he was surprised she had returned with a book. "Well unfortunately for you, you have to be bothered." Sapphron laughed lightly, trying not to offend the prince once more. "It is a book of Midgardian fairy tails!" She gleamed, gesturing to the cover of the old book. "I do not care what it is, witch." He spat at her with venom once more. "A certain tailor who was great at boasting but ill at doing, took it into his head to go abroad for awhile." Sapphron began, earning a snarl from the prince. He did not however interrupt her, not even once. "Once, when he was out he perceived in the blue distance a steep hill, and behind it a tower reaching to the clouds, which rose up out of a wild dark forest. "Thunder and lightning," cried the tailor, "What is that?" And as he was strongly goaded by curiousity, he went towards it." Sapphron paused noticing Loki's change in composure, he said nothing however, just deeply starred into the girls eyes. He was noticeably nervous to her.



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