Chapter 13 - Dazed

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 "How much have you seen Asgard, love?" Loki's loving name surprised Sapphron at first, causing a warm smile to arise

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"How much have you seen Asgard, love?" Loki's loving name surprised Sapphron at first, causing a warm smile to arise. "I have actually only been to the dungeons, my room, the kitchen and the throne room. I spent the majority of my time with you." Sapphron admittedly kindly.

Loki nodded, a mischievous grin growing on the prince's pale face. The prince pulled the small girl by her hand through the palace halls. As per usual, many Asgardians gave the two looks to kill.

"I wish everyone would just get over it! Yes he is free now move on with your everyday lives!" Sapphron shouted loud enough for the people giving looks to become embarrassed and continue on with whatever they were previously doing. "That is a little better." She laughed to herself.

Loki and Sapphron exited through two beautifully golden double doors. Once they had passed through, the two were now in the royal gardens. Beautifully elegant flowers cascaded the area like walls of a maze. The golden patio stones glistened in the sunlight and the many colored trees filled the sky.

"Wow!" Sapphron breathlessly hushed, looking up at her towering companion. "I really have been missing out!" She exclaimed, jabbing him with her elbow. Loki jumped, not expecting to be hit in the ribs. In response the prince laughed lightly. "It truly is beautiful Loki!" Sapphron's genuine smile pulled lightly at Loki's heart strings.

In this moment he had realized the girl had gotten past his cold exterior. He knew she had not opened him up to everyone, saving his perception of the world in a sense, but she did enter his world. She would be the only woman who had ever gotten this close to the coldened prince.

"Loki!" Sapphron laughed happily as she smelt some beautiful red roses. "Is there a happier place to be?" She gushed, content with their surroundings.

"Perhaps not." Loki replied kindly. "Well I am sure I could think of one." He laughed to himself. Sapphron however, heard the comment and gave him a questioning look. Before she could ask him to elaborate further, she was cut off by the Queen's sudden presence.

"Your majesty." Sapphron greeted warmly.
"Mother." Loki greeted her with similar warmth.
"My son." Frigga's eyes were filled with tears, but as Sapphron had noticed before, she would never let a single tear shed. Quickly Loki was wrapped up into his familiar, mother's embrace. "My son, I am ecstatic to see you free, here in these gardens." Frigga's eyes showed bitter sweet happiness.

"I am not free mother." Loki snapped, raising his wrist to show her the magic stopping plate attached to him. Frigga smiled sadly. "You are lucky Sapphron was able to convince your father to let you free." Loki tensed noticeably to Sapphron. "He is not my father!" Loki's anger had snapped, shocking his mother. Sapphron, out of reaction, reached for the clearly hurt prince. "Loki," She began, but was pushed away by the prince. He hurried out of the gardens, his footsteps angry.

Frigga turned to Sapphron, hurt clear on her face. "Fret not my child, Loki is sensitive on the matter. He found out not long ago, the wound is still fresh." The queen explained solemnly to the silver haired girl. "Loki is hurt, he truly means no harm. You have freed him child, you have made progress with him. And for that I thank you." The Queen smiled at the small girl, whose mind was so focused on the missing prince. "I would not be surprised if you are called the next princess of Asgard." The Queen smiled suggestively snapping Sapphron out of her deep thoughts.

"What?" She questioned, confused. "I may not be his birth mother, but I know my son. He has taking a great liking to you Sapphron. I have not seen anyone this close to him since he was a child." Sapphron looked to her, happy with the words she was saying. "We share a mutual hurt, it is something we have bonded over." Sapphron admitted to the beautiful Queen. The Queen nodded to the girl, seeming to know what she was talking about.

"My father," Sapphron began. "Is not treat to Asgard." The Queen cut her off abruptly.
"You should be going off to find Loki, before he gets to far."
Sapphron desperately wanted the Queen to elaborate further into her parents, but she was able to read into the Queen's dismissive tone. Sapphron nodded softly then ran off in the direction the fallen prince had stormed off to.

"Loki?" She called, looking around. "Loki? It is just me!" The worried girl pleaded, but still he was no where in sight. Sapphron sighed loudly as she entered the castle doors. The girl looked around frantically searching for the missing prince. Her eyes scanned each and every servant and noblemen that passed, looking for any trace of Loki. She hurried down the halls quickly, nearing a run.

"Sapphron!" A mans voice shouted. The girl's stomach dropped, knowing the voice did not belong to whom she had been searching for. Sapphron turned around slowly to see Lucien. Lucien's blonde locks were tasseled, his apron stained with various substances. "Lucien." Sapphron greeted, sounding nervous. "Can I speak with you, alone?" Lucien asked, worry painted deeply on his face. Sapphron nodded, looking around to see there was no polite way to escape this conversation.

Lucien pulled Sapphron into the kitchen, passing all the cooks as he did. Sapphron was led into a back room, what looked to be a break room. Lucien shut the door and the two were alone. Sapphron looked around nervously, her mind still worrying over the upset trickster. She worried if he would do something that would get the two locked up for good. "Sapphron!" It was clear that Sapphron had missed the first part of their conversation due to her stressing. "Oh I am terribly sorry, my mind is else where. What did you say?" She asked with a crack in her voice.
"I am worried for you Sapphron. Why are you spending so much time with a man who has murdered thousands?"

 Why are you spending so much time with a man who has murdered thousands?"

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