Chapter 6 - Madness

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Thor looked at the small figured girl in shock. "You want to what?" He questioned her. "I wish to go into the cell with him, alone." She added, trying to sound very firm. "He will kill you." Thor answered immediately, worry paining his face. "I can defend myself." I argued forcefully. "Not against a God!" Thor protested dramatically. "If this is how I go I can accept that. I just want to try something." Sapphron crossed her arms and furrowed her eye brows. "You cannot stop me." She added, her face strong. "Why are you doing this for my brother?" Thor asked her in pure astonishment. " I am not I am doing this for myself." Sapphron answered, being mostly  honest. "Fine, my lady." Thor was very nervous as he brought Sapphron to the library, where his mother was.

When the two entered the grand book room, Sapphron gasped in amazement. The library was gargantuan, millions and millions of books decorating the room. Sapphron had never seen so many novels in one place before. She was breathless. She followed Thor, looking around in pure astonishment. "There you are." Thor gestured at his mother who was cooed into a corner, reading an aged novel. Sapphron smiled to Thor before approaching the Queen. "Your majesty, pardon me for interrupting." Sapphron spoke politely to her Queen. "Ah Sapphron how are you doing dear?" The Queen asked brightly. "Well thank you." Sapphron happily replied. "And my son?" She asked with genuine hopefulness. "That is actually why I have come. I have a proposition." Sapphron nervously paused. "What is it my child?"  The queen questioned curiously. "I wish to enter Loki's cell alone." Sapphron whispered softly.

"Are you sure?" Frigga's face wore concern. "Yes I am, I truly am." Sapphron was nervous yet she felt quite obligated to go through with her plan. "Come with me child." Frigga stood up quickly, brushing off her royal dress. Sapphron silently followed the Queen out of the magnificent library and down the halls. Servants and noblemen bowed the heads in respect to the queen as she passed by. Sapphron trailed behind her, hiding in her shadow. They soon approached two golden double doors. Frigga pushes through them to reveal a room Sapphron had not yet seen. Inside was nothing but a large, breathtaking Thorne fit for a king. On top was the king himself, Odin, the Allfather. Sapphron's stomach dropped, not expected to meet the kind of Asgard. His hair was aged with white, a golden eye patch covering his eye which match the royal sceptre he held. "My Queen." He warmly greeted Frigga. "My King." She replied happily. "Sapphron." His sole eye turns to the silver locked girl. "Your majesty." She kneeled down before the King out of respect. "You may rise child." The King's booming voice filled the room. The Queen turned to Sapphron giving her a reassuring smile before gesturing her to be fourth the king.

"Allfather, I must ask for access in Loki's cell alone." The ruler's posture tensed. "I believe I may be able to gain his trust." She explained, her voice shaking with nerves. "He will kill you." Odin's voice boomed. "Odin, you know better to think the girl can not defend herself." The Queen argues for the girl she had grown very fond of. Odin paused in thought. "I will allow it. You are responsible if anything goes wrong." Odin's response was cold. Sapphron beamed with excitement. She was unsure why she was so excited to face a murderer but she could not help the emotions from coming. She practically ran to the dungeons after that. Odin had already sent men to inform the guards of duty about Sapphron's privileges. Sapphron was nervous, she knew that she was risking her life but she just had a feeling it would end up alright. With magic she learned to trust those feelings even if they seemed insane. This same mentality had saved not only her life but her ancestors lives.

When she arrived at the dungeon gates, the armoured guards looked worrisome. "Lady Sapphron." To her surprise, the guard's voice shook. She looked around to notice other guards walking past were giving her similar looks. "You better be keeping my visits secret." She eyes the guard with harsh eyes. Picking  up on the strange looks from unrelated guards. "Of course Lady Sapphron." The guards voice shook once more. He said nothing further, just silently lead her down through the dungeons. The prisoners had gotten used to her presence yet still found the need to yell at her. Some hoped that one day she would snap and look back at them. Sapphron never did.

As they approached Loki's cell, Sapphron's stomach began to tangle. Her nerves were in full effect, as were the guards. Sapphron stopped directly infront of his cell. Loki was lying in his bed looking up into the sky. "I'm ready." Sapphron gestured to the nervous guard. He reluctantly pulled out a tablet. Sapphron had to nod to him before he was able to hit the button that disables the force field. Sapphron quickly hurried past it, into the cage of a monster. The guard immediately hit the button once more, causing the orange tinted force field to be in full effect.

Loki sat up suddenly, analyzing the environment around him. He saw Sapphron, wearing the same strawberry gown as before, her silver locks tangled. Sapphron gesture to the guard to leave. The armoured guardian hesitated, requiring an additional nod of approval from the sorceress. Loki studies her for many moments, not believing what he was seeing was real. His mind raced as to why she would lock herself in a cell with him. Sapphron stood still, her eyes locked on the trickster. Her nervousness was clear, she was unable to hide such intense emotions. She anticipated the prince's actions, closely examining his behaviour to prepare herself for any attacks. She decided she would not use her magic unless desperately necessary.  He looked at her with pure shock.
"Have you gone mad?"



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